Mask smell of pot sent in the mail?

There is a fine line of asking for shipping of final products and talking about it. It’s not a real clear rule.


fools 'em every time!


One of these boxes from the fishing section of the Walmart Boutique works well. It works so well that it fits into the USPS Priority Mail small box.
Plano Fishing 3400 Series Waterproof Stowaway® Tackle Box

Air tight and waterproof. If one wants an extra layer of security a Food Saver vacuum sealer works. It is also surprising how many rapid rooter clones can fit into one.

I would not send glass through the mail. If it breaks it stinks and makes noise.


yeah those dogs can pick up 7-8 different scents at a time while rinse/repeating like its nothing, they do this on a daily basis. nothing you do to “mask” will fully mask the scent, it will just be harder to pickup the scent. i mean, odds are mostly in your favor because the dog has to actually go up to the package and sniff the outer membrane for it to pick up a well “masked” scent and its hard to keep a dog focused (even a specific task trained dog) on one individual package in mountains of packages. theres not enough time/workforce/money to go through every single package, especially small stuff.


the post office does not have the time or man power to search even half of the item being shipped nor are there dogs at every p.o. distribution center. and the p.o. has to get a warrant before searching any package. basic rule is seal it up air tight and don’t make it look suspicious i.e. not bulging, or boxes other than what the p.o. provides. normal looking mail won’t get a second thought.


except honesty & integrity & goodwill :rolling_eyes:



Triple unlubricated condoms in bubble mailer


you made me laugh good wone GREAT SHOW

Thank u ! Someone with a voice of reason. Dewb u speak the truth. There are odorless bags also. (As close 2 odorless as ive smelled) they have a vaccuum sealer to use with them. Like the old seal a mill bags. A human for sure cant detect the odor. Use 2 of those… ur good to go. No return address. I have some round here, ill try to post pic n a bit

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Turkey bags. I use them instead of vacuum seals.

“My brother Tipp” got some of those “smell proof” bags with his seed order. Decides to use one vacuum sealed to “transport” some rosin. Upon arrival the rosin could be smelled through the package. These particular bags (just mylar bags) ar definitely not smell proof.


interesting update


Vapor barrier/high barrier bags.

The “Moisture Vapor Transfer Rate” or “Water Vapor Transfer Rate (WVTR)” and oxygen transfer must be exceedingly low, like near zero. Most materials have a non-zero transfer rate. That includes most plastics.

You might also look at stuff that are certified as bear bags that the backcountry wilderness hikers use. Many suppliers will rebrand off-the-shelf materials and mark it up. So, keep that in mind.

This discussion “might” provide some insight:

Also, maybe something from:

Along with, of course, sanitary packing technique.


The ones i have are not just mylar they are super thick and you have 2 double bag. This was some smelly ass weed. I was pretty impressed by them. DOUBLE AND EVEN TRIPLE BAG. And most important, use a postal box so it blends. Bag bag bag…blend blend blend.


OMG thats toooo funny. The chicken brothers and a CRAZY walter white or. Heizenburg. That was a great series! Better call saul paled in comparison.

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Overmail the government :laughing:


Holy shit delete this thread and flog everyone in it holy shit this is a public board boys are we all retarded?

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I have a buddy who is “up there” in the Postal system, and he told me one time a box came in and it reeked bad of quality mj… The box was then checkd out by the Post Master General… The box was delivered anyways!..He says this kind of shit happens all the time. True Story. Its only Cannabis. Even the Postmaster looked the other way…


I have had post master general hold my priority paid regular cardboard and ransom it to me because it was the a small town and I was out of state and the sheriff is his mom and his brother…

I would not bet on that with my freedom. “It’s just cannabis” Wow remember a guy named Jeff Sessions had a different approach, also worked for feds?

Go to drug war zone and do that you’ll be in the upstate fed place for trafficking. Any amount any fed drug over state lines is trafficking.

All anecdotal bs aside, it’s very easy any kid can figure it out how to hide smell and decoy a package there is no need to endanger others by spreading ignorance about federal crime.

For what benefit to help the law that kills our folks?

To draw them here to arrest other excited but willfully ignorant growers in the not free states / countries?

Don’t hand them trade secrets please some whole communities will not have their meds if privileged chatter bugs need to get people arrested I don’t see any gain or end game other than leo winning by having this thread here.


People here in Canada are getting their MOM (mail order marijuana) straight up stolen by Canada post employees. Missing parcels, boxes and packages ripped open and taped back together empty. Feel bad for people who have lost thousands.