Have you ever received an empty letter?

Wasn’t sure where to post this but… I made a trade with someone and Received an empty envelope. Inside was a torn piece of blank paper that said “Have fun growing!!!”. The letter had a small tear in it - but not enough to slide a whole paper in/out of.

The trippiest part is that the sender said they never wrote any message on/in the envelope.

If it’s customs, don’t they usually send a prohibited letter to the sender? And why take the time to write a note like that?


I have heard you just get a note from the agriculture of something or others.


Yeah that’s what I thought. Something doesn’t make sense to me…


It sucks that you lost whatever was being sent to you, but I wouldn’t worry too much about it. (Other then the loss)
In Canada sending seeds in the mail is no biggy, as I am sure you already know.

Maybe the sender forgot to put the seeds in? :man_shrugging:


They were coming from the states. He claims he 100% did put them in there. And he has a solid reputation so I’m not really doubting him at all. (of course we are all stoners and shit happens too though so I guess I’ll never know the answer to this mystery…)

yeah they weren’t seeds I’d cry over. Too bad he didn’t offer to replace them though, I know I would have. :pray:


Sounds like a someone may have intercepted it and did the dirty swap on you. Was the envelope the original envelope? You mentioned sender did not send a note? Can you confirm with the sender if it’s his?


That is strange… :thinking:


I don’t mean to throw any shade on the sender but when I put together an envelope it is totally possible that I forget. Not likely, but totally possible.


I told him there was a tiny rip in the package and a big piece of tape strangely taped along the short side of the envelope. (I thought maybe someone opened it and taped it back… but he told me the postal lady did that in front of him and said it was because of the rollers.) So it must be the same envelope?

^that’s what I’m thinking at this point. Maybe he was stoned, had a bunch of packages… he’s certain he put them in but maybe he didn’t. That’s the most logical explanation I can think of.


I’d call unsolves mysteries for sure… :laughing:

conundrum! < Another great word eh @Foreigner ?


Yeah it’s a good one.


I’ve got more faith in my boy… he’s seen his fair shave of envelopes!


The address is a fake.

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I’ve had US Customs take seeds TWICE coming from EU. They do include a typed form stating the contraband. “Agricultural” contraband was written both times.
The opened package was resealed w green tape.

I think you were robbed by a USPS employee. If they held your envelope up to a bright light, they may have seen the seeds inside.
Just like an x-ray.

Every time i mail seeds, i insert a card or piece of cardboard, to block any “backlighting” attempt.

WITH CARD inside:

W/OUT CARD inside: Bodhi pack easily visible, shouting “steal me!”


What strain gives you X-ray vision dude?!




funny story… but true.
Josh Blue sent me some seeds in a trade. He sends with the seeds inside the corrugation hollows of a piece of cardboard. He uses qtips to fill the other holes so the seeds don;t get crushed and plugs each end of the seed "tubes with cut qtip ends. That goes inside an envelope.
The seeds arrived safe and sound but the envelope was torn completely open. It was all inside a canada post plastic bag with a comment … they apologized that my letter was damaged in transit… LOL no siezed seeds … it was all in good order. Crazy

more recently a letter arrived with the end slit carefully open, card removed, seeds taken, card reinserted. I got an empty letter and no cbsa siezure letter. If Cbsa takes the seeds, you always get a letter. So it is a postie along the way. One that no doubt is a part of the cannabis community and knows how we all send seeds around. There’s probably hundreds of seed robbing posties on either side of the border LOL
Last summer I did a giveaway here to 10 different OG’s. Mailed the seeds and if all 10 people were being honest… which i would hope they were… none of them got thier seeds and none of them got letters from customs. Somewhat ironically… the hippy haired postie that drives all the mail to the rural post offices here got canned back in january. I know the girl who got hired to replace him. It’s pretty hard to get fired from a solid union job like canada post … unless you got caught stealing or tampering with peoplesmail… i wonder.


That is really weird. I’ve had one or two seized in 25 years and got a formal letter.

Dear Foreigner: bad bad bad.

One person might scam you but ten? Something fuckey for sure was going on.


I had this before @DannyTerpintine . No seeds inside either. Only once though and also from a reputable OGer.

I messaged them and they were equally upset and showed me a photo of the envelope before they put it in the mail and… yep. Same envelope but when it was sent there was no tape to be seen.

They kindly resent and went to a different postal office and the beans arrived 4-5 weeks later.

Dishonourable mail folk is my guess. :confused:


“Tynehead Park Tief”!


:canada: our punishments are severe eh

