Matanuska ThunderFuck served Baked Alaska Style

That VTF is actually looking great bromigo, did you make any clones? BTW, what’s the lineage of blue sunshine?


Blue Sunshine is Blue Dream x SSDD so I think it will be a really wild looking cross considering VtF is so thin leaf tropical and the SSDD is more of a leafy short stinky Afghani type. I will be interested in seeing what dominates. Although Blue D has SSH as a base so this may recombinant with the VtF and remain thin leaf style plant. vTf seems to be throwing more double serrations as it ages and yes I have 2 clones of this clone. This is the third generation since you gave me the clones in the mail! I will for sure want to be trying more of your creations this VtF plant Stinks!! I love it so far.

I am good at cloning but Vtf is like the easiest plant to clone ever. Roots in days.


The first set of MTF seeds from Mr.Green did not do as well as it would have if i had grown it outside, the buds were not firm and had a hint of citrus with very little spicy flavor. After curing it got a little tastier, didn’t compare to what iv’e grow or smoked it the past. The next seeds from fam in Alaska should do better, will still need to grow it outdoor. Thank you for letting me know the story is invoking feelings, chapter three is in the works… butt, the story of the OverGrow server changing the course of humanity 420 years after the downfall of the human race and the rise of honey bee’s is taking up most of my writing time.


Here’s my rancher buddy’s Vietnam Thunder Fuck …I have 15+ farmers/ranchers growing my strains in 5 different towns…

I think this VTF is worth saving, I don’t have it anymore at least not this pheno but I have seeds…I sent some clones west of the Mississippi and east of the Mississippi…if you want you can pass it out or use it as a bartering chip…


Looks dam nice just spotted this post . How bad dose a guy need to twist your arm for a few ?

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Give me a few days so I can figure this out bromigo…


No problem no rush on this end . Thanks

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This farmer is doing a great job growing Vietnam Thunder Fuck…he’s the only farmer that asked me what nutrients I use, so he ended up getting Technaflora Nutrients and it really shows…it’s over 6+ft. tall…


Huge plants, jungle like …how long is the flower time on the VTF?


I usually chop down around 70+days indoors but these outdoor grows will probably be chopped on Nov. 1st. I cant wait to taste it…


Can’t wait for the smoke report on that…should be TASTY…

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Sorry bromigo but I dont do my own strain smoke report…I have someone else do them for me…


…In other words…

You have your own Sommelier on staff??
:laughing: :vulcan_salute: :wink:



I have a hard time looking for someone to do a smoke report on my strains…:joy::rofl::sweat_smile:


I think you were sending me something once I get them grown I’ll post a smoke report for ya.

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I sent them last Friday bromigo… @JustSumTomatoes did a smoke report on my Matanuska Thunder Head strain…


Just smoking VTF for the first time now. Il let you know if it’s worth growing in the field next season.


And it was some tasty smooth herb too :grin: A real treat


Really nice bud for sure very racy but not too out of control. Really nice plant. Il start some of the Blue Sunshine crossed seeds soon and let you know thanks Phil


Definitely Sativa buzz and it makes me do somethings and I get things accomplished when I smoke it…I wouldn’t mind getting a cutting of it back one day.

Btw, I put some Matanuska Thunder Piss seeds in a wet paper towel and all 4 of them sprouted.