Mephisto Canna-Cheese 1:1 auto and Sebrings Waterstone 10:1 CBD auto in aero

Well I’ll just say, you have really inspired me to try a micro grow with a spare PC case I have, along with doing some breeding and using some Bridgelux EB strips…
I might have a couple questions I’ll ask you on your grow thread.


The Canna-cheese is looking quite happy, and is growing, but its still growing slowly. I did notice an odd thing tonight that I have not seen before on the newest set of leaves. All of the fingers look narrower than they should be and one of them has an odd deformity. PH, humidity, EC are all just as they have been and well within range.

Time for a waterstone up-date.

I started two seedlings a couple of weeks ago in the system and they were doing great. All three of the seeds I soaked popped really fast and grew at a really good rate. Then my cat ate the two that I put into the system when I turned my back for 30 seconds!

So, I started soaking three new seeds using the same exact DVD case trick, only this time it took several extra days for them to pop and they grew much slower in the paper towels. After they finally got into the system, they were both slow to take off. One of them turned out to be a whorled phylotaxy, and the other one only had a single leaf!

Turns out the single leaf one was most likely due to some kind of mold or ‘damping off’ issue. I kept this second batch a lot wetter than the first time around - AND - I re-used the same paper towel. That combined with the extra time in the paper towels is what I think caused the single leaf problem. Ive had bad luck in the past with the three leafed whirly birds, so I culled them both, and started over.

This time I kept the paper towels barely damp and used a fresh paper towel! It went much better and faster. Back to a fast initial crack and rapid root growth in the paper towel. However, when I put them in the system, they both were slower than I like to get over the transfer shock. One of them perked up after about 1.5 days, but the other one took almost 4 days - which is way long.

So Im going to cull that slow poke and try a new technique for starting seeds in the system that I hope eliminates all transfer shock. I’ll be starting that one tomorrow.

Here are pics of the current two in the system.

So far, my impression on these waterstone seeds is favorable. They seem quite vigorous - as long as you dont screw up the germination process :slight_smile:


To show some solidarity, I went and scanned my plants. I think it’s just some physical damage as opposed to something more nefarious.


I was just about to reply that I couldnt imagine how that leaf could have gotten damaged. Then I remembered that baby did get bopped last week - when those leaves would have been pretty small. I looked at it after dropping a chunk of Styrofoam on it and decide it had not been damaged…

Thanks for the tip. I will quit worrying about mysterious deficiencies now :slight_smile:

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I was gonna say, you already caught the cat messing with the other ones lol


LOL Yeah, I thought of that too, and I was getting ready to withhold more of her catnip, but then I remembered that was like 10 days ago.when she ate the other two. These leaves were not out yet, so she gets her catnip after all :wink:

I started (another) new waterstone seedling in the system tonight and tossed the runt. I’m trying out yet another new germination technique that I hope will reduce transfer stress. I’ll post details in the aero thread.

Sometime leaf growth/damage like that just occurs whether by itself or damage occured sonehow and at the point you noticed it would of happened days previous.

As for germination issues, defintely don’t reuse paper towel, also if going that route if you put the seeds that are in between layers of wet paper towel divet side up in a ziplock bag with some air as well and orient it in a vertical fashion you can get some nice tap roots going that would work for your system, tip is to use a drop or two of h2o2 in the water your using.

I use to use that method and probably detailed it in an old thread somewhere but now I go a different route, which is I just float the seeds in a small container with water with a little bit of h2o2 in it and ideally starting with cold water “more dissolved oxygen” then they get put on top of one of my lights for a couple days where it’s 30-34ish C and I try to keep the seeds floating swapping the water out after a couple days, and as soon as they crack and throw tails they get direct planted. Works well for me in coco, yourself though cause of the aeroponic nature of your grow maybe consider picking up some of the small Rockwool starting plugs, now I really dislike the disposable nature of those products but they do work.

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Yeah, that was one of those face palm moments for sure.

I first heard about this DVD case technique in the Mephisto section on AFN. It is their recommended germination technique. They even go so far as to say do not use a plastic baggie. Im assuming they want air in with the seed - which makes sense to me. The fastest the waterstone seeds went from dry to popped was 2 days in the DVD case, which impressed me. Good idea about the H2O2.

Im convinced keeping the paper towel vertical is the way to go if you are using that technique and need a straight tap root. For mediums like soil or coco it probably doesnt make much difference.

Im actually trying to get completely away from any type of medium for germination. The goal is to start a seed 100% in the aero system in order to eliminate any transfer shock. Plus, I dont want any part of the roots to be sitting in a medium that will stay 100% saturated 24/7.

My latest trial is using a modified puck with just a small piece of light weight fiberglass fabric on the bottom and drop the seed in the hole. I did soak the seed for 24 hours, then into the DVD case for another 24 hours - until it put out a tail. I oriented the tail down when I put it on the fiberglass.

That seed has been in the system for about 7 hours and its already started to grow up towards the top of the puck. if it continues at this rate, it will be out of the puck in another day.

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How is your CannaCheese doing?

Those three just hit their Octopot reservoirs and started drinking nutrients which has triggered a growth spurt.

CannaCheese is still on the left.

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I think based on the last pictures and possibly his genetics, you have a bit of a head start and possibly an advantage, but I have my popcorn out for this race :rofl::wink:

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Actually, I’m just genuinely curious since it’s my first time growing this strain - though my buddy in town raised one so I’ve sampled the finished flower. I’m likely the least competitive person you’ll ever meet


Moving humanity forward, one educational opportunity at a time!


I was completely just joking around

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