Mephisto crosses from BasementBeans, Blackstrap clone, first STS reversals

All plants have been taken down. Been having a problem getting ahold of the guy who sprays our house. But finally talked to him a minute ago. He says they’re not termites. From the pic I sent him, which wasn’t all that great, he says they’re some kind of gnat and he’s seen a lot of them this year. Since I have nothing going anyways, I’m going to go ahead and have him come out and spray for all household bugs lol the stuff he sprays works for a couple years from my experience w him. I like to get rid of all spiders, ants, wasps, gnats.

It’s going to be hell taking everything down but I should have some seeds soaking this week and have everything back up week after next.

Im finally seeing the light at the end of the tunnel lol

In the meantime I’ll probably get the first packs of these (ewok x CDLC) x Lipsmacker photo fems sent out. Anyone interested? I’d like to send to someone who can try to pop them now. So we know they germinate.


Who wouldn’t be interested in that beauty…
Its a pity i can’t pop them rn.
Otherwise I would be all over that LoL :green_heart::green_heart::green_heart:


Ok so since it’s not termites, im thinking about just fogging the house. Since there are no plants going at this time. I can get started back a lot sooner. Still waiting on a text from my wife. :rofl: the last message I got from her said “we’re doing all of this and now you don’t want to have the guy come spray?” But that’s not a yes or no…

If I can get away with this, I’ll be posting a poll or a list later for you guys to help me decide what to grow next. I’m super excited and can’t wait. Hell, I can fog tomorrow! Boom, done.

Strains I’m really lusting after are:

*Sherb breath x White Castle- budderton beans (just picked up fresh from my safe addy)
*Horny horse cherry shitfest- pigeonman
*Heartbreaker- sunken treasure seeds
*Thug roze- Ethos

All regs. All waiting. I want them all but idk if I could pull that off lol




I wish :sweat_smile: my biggest fear with that many regs is that an accidental pollination will occur and my mamas won’t know who the baby daddy is. I want to keep them honest :joy:

Edit… maybe if I pop one strain now, another in a couple weeks, etc. that way I can pull them out, pollinate, wash everything down, put them back in the flower tent, then do the next strain, etc. there’s probably a better way to do it but that’s all I got for now :crazy_face:


What would you guys like to see next? What would you like to see more of on this website? Or one of these you would like to see crossed to something else? You will have to vote, then add a comment for that.

I’ll start a new thread for this next run… but since I haven’t done that yet and some of you know about this thread already, I’m posting here.

The vote doesn’t mean the others won’t get to grow :joy: it just means that I’m letting OG help me pick what to pop first :grin: I updated my list earlier and omg there’s so much :fire: from OG it’s ridiculous! Seriously, my reg game was so weak before I joined OG lol!

These were brought up by my wife tho, so they’re first up. I couldn’t even narrow it down to this many. There’s also some super lemon haze f5 from an OG member that she wants but I didn’t want to overwhelm you guys lol

These are all regs:

What’s up next?
  • STS - Heartbreaker
  • STS - Kkush x Mac stomper
  • Ethos - Thug Roze
  • Pigeonman - HHCRSF
  • Budderton - SB x WC
  • Fresh Coast - Truffle Shuffle

0 voters

Sts is “sunken treasure seeds” not reversal spray. Kkush is “kosher kush”

The @Pigeonman cross is “horny horse cherry red shit fest” :joy:

The @Budderton cross is “sherb breath x White Castle”


I’m clearly biased!

:unicorn: :poop: + :cherries: :partying_face: =

:rofl: :fist: :heart:


Hell yeah, I don’t blame you! I will be calling it hhcrsf when I grow it tho. Lmao!!

Or horny horse :crazy_face:


The @Pigeonman cross name is the best on there :rofl:

I voted for it because of the name, it’s a well known member, @G-paS just sent me some Cherry Festival F2 for Father’s day(thanks again you kind soul), the image for it is amazing, and I have heard Unicorn Poop is a really :fire: strain.

My second choice would be the Kosher Kush Cross, got to be some crazy good stuff in there. :peace_symbol:


I had to vote for Pigeonman’s, that art work calls to me!


I think so too! The Mac stomper is (I think) a capulator colab? I’ll have to go look again lol

Found it—


Pigeonman got me with that name :joy: go with that one! Lmao


I have this poll set to show the winner after I close it but I can tell what the OG favorite is so far :joy: that damn catchy name! :rofl:


I’m honored and excited! The genectics used to make this are due to @G-paS & @Pawsfodocaws fantastic work doing the runs of unicorn poop & cherry festival :bowing_man: :heart:


I’m going to let this poll go for another 30 min. But we may get to see these in action soon :grin::sunglasses: I’m honored to be able to grow them!


@Pigeonman you have a spare pack of those I can give a shot some time, would love to try this cross. I need to pop the cherry festival too.? I vote for his cross… @Pigeonman specifically


Damn after this i changed my vote. Great art! Great vision!


Ok, poll closed. 11 voters. Pigeonmans won with buddertons coming in second. I may pop the horny horse, wait a few weeks, then pop some of the sb x wc. I can’t wait!!


Hey @hollyho . If you adhere to strick protocol, it is possible to isolate individual males pollen, in the same growing space. It’s a real pain in the ass but here’s how I do it. I kind of treat pollen as if it where a mold spore that will ruin my room if not contained.

There are easier ways to pollinate plants for sure, but this satisfies my need to account for the origins of all(mostly😁) pollen as I keep clones of males till I find out which ones make the nicest progeny.


Ok I read it! Sounds great! Also posted a couple questions for you lol

Now that my brain is fully functioning, I would also like to know

Do you keep all males? And run each one, then throw them away as you compare progeny? Or is there anything you look for from the get go that tells you “this is not worth keeping”? I only have 2 small areas I can use and would like to know the best, most efficient way for me to come out strong in the end without having to test every male against every female for the best beans. If there’s not a certain way, then I can go from there.

Thank you :blush: