Mephisto crosses from BasementBeans, Blackstrap clone, first STS reversals

What would you guys like to see next? What would you like to see more of on this website? Or one of these you would like to see crossed to something else? You will have to vote, then add a comment for that.

I’ll start a new thread for this next run… but since I haven’t done that yet and some of you know about this thread already, I’m posting here.

The vote doesn’t mean the others won’t get to grow :joy: it just means that I’m letting OG help me pick what to pop first :grin: I updated my list earlier and omg there’s so much :fire: from OG it’s ridiculous! Seriously, my reg game was so weak before I joined OG lol!

These were brought up by my wife tho, so they’re first up. I couldn’t even narrow it down to this many. There’s also some super lemon haze f5 from an OG member that she wants but I didn’t want to overwhelm you guys lol

These are all regs:

What’s up next?
  • STS - Heartbreaker
  • STS - Kkush x Mac stomper
  • Ethos - Thug Roze
  • Pigeonman - HHCRSF
  • Budderton - SB x WC
  • Fresh Coast - Truffle Shuffle

0 voters

Sts is “sunken treasure seeds” not reversal spray. Kkush is “kosher kush”

The @Pigeonman cross is “horny horse cherry red shit fest” :joy:

The @Budderton cross is “sherb breath x White Castle”