Mephisto crosses from BasementBeans, Blackstrap clone, first STS reversals

Also since you mentioned keeping a male to backcross to later on… how many generations down the line do you have to wait to back cross? You can’t just use the same male from that generation to keep pollinating generation after generation, right?


That sort of sounds like cubing as I understand it.


Male selection is a whole thread unto itself. How I select, depends on what I’m trying to achieve with the pollination. I don’t use or eliminate males until I flower out their sisters to gain insight into what their brothers might bring to the table.I gain info on possible pollen donors by grouping similar looking phenos in veg and then observing their sisters, that they are structurally similar to, as they flower.
In general I eliminate males that won’t hold in veg, meaning they start to form flowers under a veg light schedule. I also tend to avoid the tallest, fastest vegging male as I feel they may be more genetically predisposed to produce fiber, as apposed to cannabinols. I’ve had decent luck with runty males producing highly potent (but runty) females too. A strong smelling stem rub is cool, but doesn’t guarantee anything at all.
Again, it really depends on what your end goal is.


Like @middleman said, it’s cubing a male you know produces strong progeny.
Example: first cross-Meat Breath x Sherb Breath male A
Second cross-(Meat Breath x Sherb Breath male A) x Sherb Breath male A. So now 75 percent Sherb Breath male A. You need to have the Sherb Breath male A clone in your nursery so you can keep repeating the process.


Thank you for explaining that. I have a lot more researching to do :sweat_smile:

If you have some helpful links, please post here. I don’t even know where to start. I’ve tried googling but all I found was a lot of articles for people who already know things. Hard to follow when they don’t simplify it. Seems like they write a lot of those things for their peers. Like trying to learn calculus before you even understand addition :rofl:

Until then I’ll just try to hang onto some clones, flower out the girls, take notes, and try to pick the best male for chucking. Keeping in mind some of the things you told me. Thanks again.


Hmm… looks like this Lipsmacker s1 is claiming a spot? Lol I was trying to get these beans out to see how mature they are. This is the second little Lipsmacker clone I pollinated. I thought the seeds were going to all be white but they actually look ok… I took this one down about 3 days earlier than I did the bigger one.

Anyways… this one has already germinated in the plant??

Have any of you had this happen? :joy:


((Double grape x 3bog) x CDLC) x blackstrap
These are the seeds I was giving away.
So pretty but smells like hell :woozy_face:

Took mine down at day 81 (ish)
Been drying for a few days and my wife wanted to test it out lol

When it’s ground up, looks mostly purple.
I’ll get some better pics soon. Hopefully.


I read your description of the smell in another post and it cracked me up! Dishwater and meat etc? :rofl: I have to try it next.

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Oh boy. I love the “stink” of cannabis. But this one doesn’t smell like cannabis to me, it just smells so nasty lol :nauseated_face:

I can’t wait for you guys to pop them and let me know what smells you get bc this is horrible lol like you’re about to smoke a cheeseburger or something. Sure is pretty tho :woman_shrugging:


This, along with “Smells like nasty ass.” Oh boy! Do I wanna try this!? Yes!! don’t mean any scat though!! A cannabis lover! That’s all!!
Congrats @hollyho! You rock lady!! :hugs: :cowboy_hat_face:


…It sounded so intriguing I had to read through the thread


Done! :hugs:


Thank you :smiley:

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:heart: :heart: :heart:


Ok so out of the 4 ewok/cdlc x lipsmacker. One has germinated for me so far. I dug down to one of the seeds and it is still whole, maybe I didn’t moisten them enough. They were dropped 7 days ago.


I was suspicious of them since they were so packed in the buds they were kind of small. One of the main reasons I didn’t send a lot out. Hopefully that’s not the case with the others. I guess we will see. Thank you for the update. I appreciate it.

Maybe the other Ewok will make an appearance soon. But if not, the Lipsmacker s1 were bigger and not nearly as packed together. Hopefully those will do better for you.


I decided to back read your thread on the successful seed run on those Blackstrap S1’s.
I wish I had been in on the thread as it went down. lol Great read and some absolutely beautiful pictures. I’ll finish reading the rest of your thread but I just wanted to say well done (belatedly). :+1:


Thank you, that means a lot. It was my first time making my own seeds :blush: and still learning!


Reminds me of that joke:

Guy at a funeral asks the widow if he can say a word. She says, “of course.”
He stands up, clears his throat, and says, “plethora.”
She replies, “Thanks, that means a lot.”


This one had no help.

This one was scored and almost instantly popped.