MethodAnon’s Grow Log

Well, I got to reading some text file in the bodhi thread lol, and now I want some goji in the mix. Ditching a clone and getting 2 of these in paper towels today before it’s too late for this run. Keeping my promise too @Organical lol


Haha excellent brother! Hype to see those, I was just thinking about what spread I’m going to do next, I think I’m gonna plant 6 next and at least 2 or 3 are gonna be the pure land hashplant. Still deciding on the remainder :sunglasses:


Love how he seems to put 13 seeds in every pack!


Day 21 of 12/12 and things are moving along as expected. It’s a jungle in there…fans blowing into the canopy from above and below.


Nice man - Goji is one of my favorites for a nice daytime high and tasty sour berry pine.


Looking great brother :sunglasses:


Hell yeah man i like to hear that. Speaking of the Goji (Razz) Hashplants, they both germed and are above ground:

Zoots (J1 Hashplants) are doing well 13 days above ground:


Nice man, hopefully you get a goji pheno! I’d bet it would be lankier with skinnier long finger leaves. Snow Lotus’s influence on leaf shape is really easy to notice once you know what to look for.


Day 25ish 12/12.


Jungle tent! Looking good brother. How tall is that tent by the way?

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Thank you man. 70 inches.

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Took a shot from the jungle floor, no idea why but it’s interesting lol 🤷.


Pulled 1 of the master of muppets (#2) out of the tent last night to move things around, grabbed a pic:


i feel like i just saw your flip post a week ago, theyre rolling along quick! meanwhile time is moving slow motion for me here trying to hold out till 11 weeks for harvest (11 more days) :joy:

any notable smells or anything yet? structure looks nice and some super frosty sugar leaves in that last pic!


What’s up man! So yeah, one of em has a very strong pine-like smell, the other has a more subtle, sweet smell. I’m pretty darn excited about these Master of Muppet plants.

I hear you on the slow time stuff, you’re really close man I saw some amber in your log. I have found that time starts moving faster again when you have plenty of jars of green on standby lol. Those first couple grows of mine felt like they took forever.


lovely jungle floor image! imagine walking through a forest made of such huge ganja trees… mmh…

anyway, decided i shall try the pure perlite method aswell. i actually got a hempy bucket without ever realizing it lol, the drainage holes are somewhat raised. Always were my best pots even tho only 1gal…

So how do you go about moving the germinating seed into the medium? do you use jiffie tabs under the perlite (seen that approach in one of your pics) or do you just soak the perlite with some root ferti? What kind? would general auto ferti work?


Hey @blackcarp !
I think it’s great your going to try a hempy bucket, great questions. I use the General Hydro trio of fertilizers:

I pretty much mix according to the directions on the bottle. Here’s a shot of the bottle directions:

So as you can see, full strength for “mild vegative” is 1tsp, or 5mL per gallon, per bottle (3 bottles.)

I germinate using the paper towel method (actually i prefer a coffee filter because the tap root doesnt stick to it.) I pre-soak the perlite in 2mL/gal of each bottle(in tap water,) so a little less than half strength. After germinating, I throw them in the perlite, and I keep them on that 2mL/gal of each bottle until they are a few weeks old, feeding/watering every day until water shoots out of the hole… then ill go to 3mL/gal of each, and kind of work my way up to that 5mL/gallon. If a plant starts showing deficiency in any way, I’ll bump up the nutes

My plants in flower are getting 6mL micro/ 6mL gro/ 7mL bloom at this point, every day in every watering, so that’s about as strong as ive gotten with the nutes, mind you if a deficiency pops up I’ll increase the bottle that makes sense to increase.

The nice thing about hempies is the results are pretty immediate if you get a deficiency or burn etc … you can always just flush the whole bucket out with a new ratio’d solution.

The only other thing I use is pH down. My tap water comes out at a ph of like 8+. So until I have them on full strength nutes, I need to add like .2-.3mL of ph down per gallon. Once I’m up close to full strength on the nutes, I dont need any ph down as the nutes seem to pull it down nicely.

Don’t hesitate to shoot me questions as you progress!

Edit: Until the seedlings’ roots are long enough to hit that “resovoir” of nutes at the bottom of the bucket, I do water twice a day to keep the root wet. You’ll know when the roots hit the resovoir because the plants take off, it’ll be obvious.


Current veg tent.
Master if Muppets clones on the bottom, already topped because they are ahead.
Zoots are along the right, and the RazzBerry hashplants are the 2 babies on the left. Everything is getting 2mLmicro/2mLgro/2mLbloom still.


looking good, Master Of Muppets is going to be huge buds, I might have to try a small hydro set up for science.


Thank you! I hope you do try it… I follow your grow log as well man, good stuff.