MethodAnon’s Grow Log

:top:. Love to see it. you are going to crush when both of those sex as female!!


Yesssss :pray: …!

1 Like

A nice male would be pretty epic too… nice nice…

I’m gonna grow my own pickles…


First oz trimmed. Master of Muppets #2. I threw it in a jar with a hygrometer and the rh is already up to 62 so I’m a little early. Will take the lid off for tonight and trim more tomorrow. Very pleased so far looking and feeling :fire:, I should have worn gloves lol.

Friday tomorrow have a good one!


Got damn that looks tasty… wookie no joke


Phone homes officially born on 8/22;

Master of Muppets x2, Zoot x1, Razzberry Hashplant x1. Hopefully I get them in flowering before the weekend is over.

Have a good weekend!


Master Hashplant exists. I found this post by searching for info on it. Looks like not many people on OG have grown it out.


Yes, I have been looking for any original So Cal Master seeds, but can’t seem to find any, and surprised nobody with a Socal Master clone or seed crosses has not preserved them and bring that iconic plant back into existance… I would be totally down to do it… I wonder I’d Bodhi himself still has access to Socal seeds or clone


Trimming is almost done! Man what a grind, never again… lollipop method moving forward. Remind me and I’ll get some shots after the cure here in about a month… that Master of Muppets is next level - highly recommended! I did put some post-trim shots in the bodhi thread, here’s a couple;

Ladies in veg are blowing up as is typical about this time. Just gotta get the flower tent cleaned up, grab some clones, and they’ll move over to 12/12. New strains will get the front row like last time (Razzberry Hashplant and Zoot.)

Phone Homes are doing fine lol, still babies.


Those the kind that are so satisfying to break after a 6 month cure… :relieved:

I’m not a grinder fan…


Alright it’s finally go time.

Clones of everything snipped, and everything was moved into the flower tent except for Master of Muppets #1 because it finishes in 7.5-8wks, I’ll move her over in 10-14 days.

In other news, my first lollipop prune ever lol. No more larf!

Veg tent this morning;

Lights are still off in the flower tent so I will grab some pics later this evening.


Lookin good! I’m so indecisive on how hard to lollipop my current grow :grimacing:
Looks like you topped that plant a few times though yah? I just did 1 topping and let 1 set of lateral branches below that grow out for 4 main colas on each
The MC have super vigorous laterals on 2 of the 4


I hear you on the lollipopping bro, i was just winging it as well lol. There’s only one way to learn and I’ve seen some guys strip plants bare so i figured i couldn’t really screw it up too bad.

I did top countless times on the Master of Muppets clones lol, they were so far ahead of the seed plants I had to slow them down and keep them short. I typically only top once, pretty early on.


you just put it directly into the perlite? whoa. does it always work? do you need to do something to keep the humidity up? usually, when popping in a small cup, i put another larger cup over it to keep the humidity up until it surfaces.


Hey man,

Yep I go directly into the perlite, no dome and no humidifier. I do pre-wet the perlite with half strength nutes before i drop the germinated seed in, then I water on top. It’s never failed with seeds or clones. My RH is typically 50-60 in there, but to be honest I pay zero attention to humidity until I have buds to worry about it in late flower.

I do try to water, hitting the taproot, twice a day until they are a little bigger. That said I’ve forgotten and only watered once plenty of times and they do just fine, it seems the perlite is able to to wick just enough to keep them moving.



have you compared growth or root development going straight into the perlite vs. starting in a cup. there is some theory that developing a tight root ball initially is important. your plants look great, so no issue there, but I just wonder which is optimal. i usually don’t get a lot of shock when transplanting,maybe 10% get angry about it.


I wouldnt of pruned/lollied until the move over to flower… 2 weeks is alot of time, and might give you more height than you wanted now that all the energy is north…maybe could even take a few more clones…or supercrop… really think round 2 will produce better flower


Interesting! Not sure man, I’ve always planted directly into that final container.


Now you tell me!, lol. Good thinking man good to know for the future anyways.


Just a happy little accident… you can always cut it to 1 week if that is the case… looks like its about to explode… hmm…hmmm… keep the lights as close as possible and should be good… at worst you just take a few more clones before :slight_smile: