MG Canna’s Sour d bx4 tester grows

Just got back from checking and the beans haven’t landed yet. I’ll probably be able to get things started next week

Sounds good! Thanks for the update.

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Received yesterday and soaked them tonight I dropped 8-10 can’t remember atm. Thanks again I can’t wait to see what all we find in them. :fire:


Timing is off - I’m primarilly an outdoor grower these days, so to be fair to you, the og community and to keep this tester thread current - I have just forwarded these beans to @scottytoohoty - I wouldn’t be able get to them the till spring and he can get them worked in within the month… Sorry to see these go, so, guess I’ll just be following along watching… Thanks for the opportunity @MG_Canna - Enjoy those BX4 smokes for me mates…


Thanks and happy hunting!


I may have the Bx5’s ready by March, Definitely April. Give me a holla!


No, but I have an RV. Can I compete? :grin:

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Wouldn’t be able to run them anytime soon but, I would love to trade for a pack or something.

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I’m down. Sent you a msg.


Definitely here to check this one out!

Thank you for all your hard work towards the cause…and for sharing your journey

I’m loving this one… being 47yrs old it’s nice to see the strains floating around here (the classics)


My work as a breeder won’t be complete without a great Sour d representation in seed form, in my collection. I’m 51 and will never lose sight of all the super skipper Kush, Haze and Sativas of the early 90’s.


Sometimes I wonder if there’s any wild patches from a few spots I had to abandon back in the day. Who knows how long we’d have to work the line to get potency back up, but those 90s flavors should be in the genes.

I love how the flavor profiles have advanced and evolved but I really miss bud that had the earthy skunky base, then special subtle notes that set it apart, like piney, or floral or peppery or sweet etc. At least those are the types of tree we had back then and those seeds weren’t all tiny little puny specimens neither. Fat turtle shell looking seeds that made strong healthy seedlings.or maybe I’m just hi lol

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Got them today. I’ll send them out Monday.

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NL5/Haze , Afghan/Haze. Skunk/Haze, Purple Haze, all the citrus Hazes……things were so pure back then. Now it’s a muddled mess of inbred kush. There are some gems out there, but not the diversity we had in the 90’s. Closest thing I got is the Sour Martian Haze. There’s one phenotype that’s mids and the rest are a wide range haze flavored bombs. I did a grow on here….had 8 or 9 females. True Sativa hazes. Super potent but smooth smoke, unlike Kush.


been moved to paper towel already… looking forward to that SD smell again…



How many days did they take to pop in water?

@MG_Canna all 8 popped they are in soil :crossed_fingers:


Nice. They’re only 2 months old. Should be vigorous little bastards! :grin:


All 6 I soaked have popped and are now basking in the glow of a 240w led. Transplanted yesterday to cups with coco and rice hulls.


Happy hunting and good luck!