MG Canna’s Sour d bx4 tester grows

I’ll be running this til kingdom come if I get close to the same results lol

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Aww those are the smallest sets of cotyledons I ever seen

Still no luck with the 3rd one I soaked but it’s still floating


Well the 3rd seed didn’t pop so I replaced it with a sour diesel bx3 I got a while back. I’m saving the other 4 in case I f*** something up with this run. But 3 days above ground they’re doing great. I’ll update again when some interesting shit starts happening


Still have to get the germination test done. But I’m feeling pretty confident.


What the cross or are these f3’s?

F3s seeds. Gonna bee fire


Keep it going bro!


so these two are 16 days old. Started feeding them 3/4 strength nutes recently. I would’ve went half strength for starters but I got a bigger clone that was also hungry. It’s working out fine though. That sour diesel bx3 in the back is 3 days younger


These can be a bit finicky indoors.some can grow pretty large buds. If you dont load the plants during veg and early flower, it’s too late to fix deficiencies mid to late flower. At the same time they don’t like high doses of nutrients. Learn and find a keeper 1st round, then dial her in 2nd round.

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I keep hearing that. I’m keeping it all in mind tho for sure.

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23 days on these moved them out of the cups and topped them. they were both pretty uniform until that point. Since then #1 has made a pretty good canopy. Kinda liking how these are growing vs the sour d Bx3. It’s just getting really tall