MH 400 W light bulb with brown & white spots - still ok?

I bought this 400 W MH grow light second hand last year. The light is very intense and looks good to me.

But I m troubled about this brown shadow and the white “caps”. Is this bulb still any good or should I replace it ?

I have a non digital ballast that goes with it. Would a digital ballast reduce power consumption ?

Thank you for your inputs !

love & peace from the swiss guy :helmet_with_cross:


If it’s not cracked. It’s good to use. (Can’t say much for longevity but it should turn on and off u til you can get a replacement) a digital ballast will make the startup load smaller. That’s about it. 400w is 400w though mate.
:peace_symbol: cola


Replace it no matter what, don’t waste time and money on a 2nd hand bulp.
It can be used for 2 grows, or 10 grows you have no idea.

But after about 4-5 flowering cycles, your HID bulps will have lost about 10% of it’s “PAR power”.

A 400W MH should yeald around 300-320 gram dry buds, with a new bulp.
But now let’s take 10% away, simulating a 1 year old bulp.

Thats 30 grams of weed gone, now what do you pay/get for 30 grams of weed?

A new 400W MH bulp will be 25-35€, id prolly not grow if I could buy 30 gr of weed at that price.


I vote for replace it bulbs are cheap in the end

be safe and be well


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If the ballast you have is an iron core (magnetic) ballast they run and use a bit more energy and run hotter

I figure if I am running a 400 watt lamp it takes about 10 % more energy to give me 400 watts of light

as a bulb gets old they use the same or a bit more energy but give you less light as they age

I change my bulbs about every 4 or 5 cycles ( high end about 2800 hours) but I do back to back grows

All the best and grow well
