What's your HID go to bulbs and how long do they last?

I just upgraded on my indoor setup. All my bulbs are Ipower except the viv. Mh.
What are you guys running and how often do you have to change bulbs?

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cmh mostly about once a year, if i run perpetual

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I heard running a 315 cmh along with hps will create much stronger more resinous buds


I used to run 2 630 cmh bulbs from iluminar on my 4x8 space. I found that, for HIDs, CMH’s worked best for me. I replaced them every 4 grows… so about more than a year of constant use and I didn’t change them because they stopped working, just because I find they VERY SLIGHTLY lost intensity


What brand names are you running

I ran hortilix and phillips. If I ever got the space id love to do a big old 315 open bulb


well said , at least in my xp, phillips 3100 & 4200, growers choice red enhanced 3k


another thing i would add, I have quantum led’s like spiderfarmer and dimgogo there only like 15-20 degrees cooler then a 315 and there only 105 or 110 watts at least according to our laser thermometer

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Mostly IPowers HPS. I replace about every 2-3 grows or the second I see larf or weird growth. No complaints.


Thanks I was wondering about Ipower. After I received most of my hps stuff I started to read more about bulb life. I did not know some bulbs last one grow and others 3 or 4 grows, and the dimming part of the bulbs. I just thought they went out like a regular light bulb. Thanks for the info everyone

I replaced HPS bulbs about once a year. Pretty much always Hortilux.

I replace CMH bulbs when they burn out. Some can go 2+ years. I only buy the Philips.

CMH is advantageous over HPS in most ways for most purposes. HPS does have an edge on price.


Hortilux super hps bulbs 600w and 1000w . Run 12/12 every day no break ive run one over a year before replacing. It lost lil life but was still working n growing nice buds.

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I use MH for veg and first two weeks of flower, then switch to HPS, then back to MH for the last week or two of flower. I’ve found it helps reduce stretch at least in my grow room.


I always found the cheaper bulbs I only got a good grow out of but the higher end 2 with mh and 3 with hps

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Hortilux HPS and MH 600w bulbs

100$ each, yearly.


I’ve got ipowers, vivosuns and yield lab bulbs mh and hps. I’ve noticed no difference in plant growth under any of em. They all do the job just fine any difference is on paper and negligible in practice.


I usually switch to hps once the stretch is done (about two weeks into flower) then I put the mh back the last week for the uv buds frost up nicely.


Yeah. Same here. Two weeks to three weeks in I flip to HPS

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