Midwest Meetup

Hey guys a couple of us guys on the Michigan Topic wanted to get together! @Instg8ter suggested I open it up because there may be a few outta state may wanna come. No details such as location, date or anything has been hashed out.
Any ideas are welcome on location and dates!
It’ll be a smoke your own jay even because of COVID-19!
If you’re interested in coming let me know!


Well I’m from Indiana so depends on where it would take place at whether I’d be able to come.

But definitely interested


:rofl: :game_die: :game_die:

…Covid party or what?!? For full transparancy’s sake Saint @DannylovesCannabis claims to be 'Covidy in another thread… :man_facepalming: :joy_cat: :smoking:



Covidy now not in 3-7 months time bucko.


Any of you michiganders fish? Meet up on the ice somewhere?

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And I’m not claiming would you like to see my positive results? :joy:

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Sounds like a good idea but no thanks I’ll pass…you guys have a great time though and might as well bring a clone or something that you guys can trade with each other…just a thought.:sunglasses:

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Yeah it’ll be more of a trade and smoke your own stuff type of thing. Maybe pack a couple jays for others. I’ll probably give some rosin to some guys I want to impress (;


Sounds great, but can’t see myself making it up there, I only travel an hour out these days unless I’m staying a few days. I’ll be there in spirit, smoke a few for me.


Great idea, but SE MI is too far from me.

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