NY / New England summer party

Hello all. I’ve been here about 2 years and this community is the best… talking and exchanging ideas with other growers and exchanging ideas… OG has really pushed me to further my growing techniques and switch my focus on making seeds this year.
It would be great to have a Summer Party, to cut loose and have a good old time. Lots of smoking, seed trading / giveaway . Great BBQ food , music . etc…
I live in the fingerlakes / Central NY but we can get together when and wherever its most convinent for the members who will attend .
Just putting an idea out there and seeing who’s interested.


How about an east coast bash! Hell yeah!:partying_face::partying_face::partying_face::sunglasses::peace_symbol:


Central NY here, also. this is a great idea! :heart_eyes:


We need to try and put it together in a centralized location for all to attend and enjoy! :partying_face::partying_face::partying_face:


This sounds like fun, but this year is out for me.
I have never been to NY, I live in michigan so it ain’t too far away.
NY city is a bucket list item for my wife so it is doable, just no way in hell this year for me.
Good luck folks, make it happen.
@Emeraldgreen is somewhere near NY I think…

If perchance you may want to bug out of town and come to Michigan this year, we have a thing going that should be fun.
This is year 7 for this event and every year it gets better.
Everyone is expected to be on their best behavior, we will not tolerate any B.S.
This no-nonsense attitude makes for a wonderful environment to get high with strangers.
I don’t think we have had even a cross word spoken to this day and we hope to keep things that way.
I do not mean to presume anything here, but those words needed to be said. :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

If you are interested PM me for more info.
This event is not open to the public, it is invite only.
Maybe load up a bunch of NY stoners in a micro bus and join the fun. :rofl:


I am working on the wife for that event! :partying_face::partying_face::partying_face::peace_symbol::sunglasses:


Western Mass here, I’m interested! Maybe a location around Albany would be easy for people to get to? It is on many highways headed to upstate/downstate/NYC/NJ and also across to VT and the Mass Turnpike all the way to Boston, plus lots of trains and buses from all directions? Anyone in that general vicinity?


Yup Im just West of Albany near Amsterdam.


Berkshires here…


Hour south of Albany myself
@Rabeats2093 @MonsterDrank @ChefDGreen are all in NY


@Kami you know I’m down!! Hell I’ll work on the misses to see if we cld have it here. Syracuse ok with everyone? You know I’m down for smoking some meats.



& can’t wait to leave. :laughing:
Florida vacay in less than five more weeks.

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Wait you want to spend time with your daughter in Florida instead of meeting us!:flushed:
Sounds like a great trip you got planned

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I know my buddy sunshine daydream genetics is looking forward to going to Zlabs

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