Michigan 420 dispo freebies greenhouse

I’ll be there early if anyone wants to hang and smoke.

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They have a hangout area where customers can smoke together? That’s awesome if so!

I wish that Ohio would have something similar. It would be cool for someone to open like a private club like similar to how cigar clubs work.

I wish the same for Virginia.

There’s not like an area to “smoke” but everyone lights up in line or back by the parking lot donut truck. Usually super busy I mean “free weed and donuts” even if you don’t buy anything.

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That’s really cool. I’ve been to a MI dispo only once, before a show in Detroit. Tons of people smoking / vaping at the show. Way more than what I see and smell at local shows :rofl:

In Ohio the law made it illegal for medical patients to smoke their medicine. Vaping is allowed instead. And any usage in public is strictly banned. :confused: