Migro YouTube

I’ve been watching this guy on YouTube alot. Figured I would share for those who dont know his channel already.

He is open and honest with his reviews even though he is a manufacturer of LEDs. His benchmarks are great. I’m sharing a link to one of his videos on a diy cheap led made from lights you can buy off the shelf. Actually looking at making one to start some veggies, that will likely replace a blurple I use for starting clones on the journey into veg.

All the best,


Yeah, he started as a reviewer, learned from other manufacturers, listened to growers, then started making lights. Its awesome

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Definitely bookmarking this and following! Have done a couple like this but nowhere near as nice looking.

I learned a lot from this guy. Really good watch.

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I like listening to the guy, but this thing looks like a plant torture light. Enough light to make them stretch and underperform to only a gasp of what the plants -could- have been.

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@Bammer1082 You don’t need much light to start clones- or veggies…

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I dont have a lamp for starting veggies at the moment. Cfls/t5s just wont do it. They will start but I need something to keep them going for a month or two until its warmer here. Looking at this, I can get a 12 bulb setup for around 100 CAD with PPFD equal to a budget quantum board.


I have just bought a Protech led light from the eBay store he uses to sell the lights he tests …!

I got the light for a good price ( still expensive.) and the controller was an added extra…)
I was out yesterday ( Saturday 12th June 21’.)and the package was delivered to my next door neighbour, but the courier is/was supposed to take a picture of the package with the door opened, to show the package size & that it was delivered.!
Well when I got home i chapped my neighbour’s door and asked for the package and i was handed a wee box type package but nothing that resembled a light, so i opened the box ( which has my full name and address etc on the front, but it says ‘parcel 2, weight; 1kg. But below that is saying 11kg but the controller only weighs just over 2lbs, so i have had to open up a case for a refund ~ which I really don’t want, I wanted the light, i got the controller added ( £275.00. Worth of controller)
But i paid over £500+ £86.odds of Vat import fees etc. I only have a controller but the light is missing.!
I have contacted Shane to see if they were shipped separately, but it doesn’t seem ( to me anyway.) that i am ‘waiting on another package/delivery, though im hoping it could turn up, im doubtful too as it was a courier ( DPD IRELAND) and they were keeping me updated, but their policy is to take a pic of the person with the package at the open door with them receiving it , so’s you can see the size of whatever’s delivered , and i received only a pic of the closed door with no one receiving anything.!
Anyway sorry for the rambling. Lol.
I am virtually skint now, and have had to open a ‘contact for a refund’ ( reluctantly.).

I was really looking forward to using this light in a new 4 by 4 tent too.!
It was a hassle just to buy it, since we’re NOT in the Eu now so had to pay a £86. Ofds for import fees etc…)

Cheers. Rant is over. Haha. :ok_hand:

Happy growing peeps.


I Deleted a couple of pics…! :facepunch:

Cheers …


Edit; just noticed i uploaded a pic of my gf’s cat …
I’ll leave it on here.

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Awww cute kitty. That’s bullshit on the light though. Hope you get it corrected without issue.

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I eventually got the light a week later - so im happy with that …!
The driver has a dimmer from 40% to 100% in 10% increments. If I want to dim it all the way to 1% upwards, i would use the light controller that can set sunrises and sunsets etc…
It ( driver.) goes up to 457 ish watts, despite it being a ‘430W’ light.!

Thanks for the nice comments, bro …! :facepunch:

I also bought the Budtech light from the same dude ~ it a 350w cob light for my 2 by 4 tent …
The bigger light is for a 4 by 4 tent ( if it fits. Lol.!.)
Anyway thought I’d update this post…

Happy growing peeps…


Damn that’s nice Gaz, wish I had an led that big lol. I mean I have hps and cmh for some high intensity, but other than that all my other lights are 100 or 200w china leds. They get the job done though, and helps being able to adjust each to a different height when running multiple strains. Oh yeah I do have some T8 Fluorescents too, but those don’t really count :laughing:

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