The “LADIES ONLY GIVEAWAY” is scheduled for TWELVE/12 JUNE/WEDNESDAY, 1000 EST. As always, “Wiki” will remain open for Signups for TWENTY-FOUR/24 HOURS. Please include “Location Flag Symbol” as Bonus has been authorized. THANKS, SS/BW…mister GIVEAWAY LOCATION: ENTRY #1114
Hey gals @Lady.Zandra63, @RainToday, @G-paS, @Rena93, @LedZeppelin & all the rest of you gals don’t miss out on the lady’s only giveaway! please tag all your friends so no one misses out and don’t forget them flags when you sign up!
Maybe one day the will make it easier for us all to identify ourselves as male or female. I would hate to miss any of you lovely lady growers!
Doesn’t matter to me if folks know my gender or get the pronouns right or not, - for one thing, there’s not a female substitute for “thanks dude” that doesn’t seem to shift the meaning, so “dude” works for my. I suppose you could say my personal preference is to put on the boys’ pronouns just like I’m wearing their pants
For my part it’s actually a massive compliment to the OG community that I’m willing to be known as a girl. Most places online I much prefer how I’m treated when I let people assume I’m a guy, so I just let it roll. I’m sure it’s not comfy for many women, but I enjoy dirty jokes and admiring unclothed ladies as much as I do @Foreigner 's calendar, so it works fine for me.
Thanks for caring, and making an effort to make space for people to be themselves here.