Mixing LED with CFL's

Hi everyone, im growing 4 plants in a small space roughly 2x2 ghetto grow tent, I.live in a super hot and humid part of the world so forget about running HID lights.
Im using a 300w LED light with separated veg/bloom buttons.
Plants are growing in some good organic no brand potting soil and 3gal pot plastic bags.
My question is if I can mix my LED light with some spared CFL’s I have from my seedling room.
I already made a test but you now can’t see the color spectrum of the LED because there too bright.
Should I move them lower in the canopy of the plans or on top it’s ok?
Thanks for any input.

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Are you thinking you need supplemental lighting.

I might not think it would be a issue, but changing light may (unlikely but possible) cause some undesired hermaphroditic activity.


In my experience those cfl lamps produce quite a surprising amount of heat for not that much light. You might be better off doing without them if you are struggling with high temperatures and maybe getting a more powerful led fixture with an adjustable output instead when funds permit. That way you can turn it down if you need too.


I’m doing a full CFL grow right now and I can attest to the heat. That being said- they work.

I also have a couple LEDs running as well, I would think it wouldn’t matter(as far as mixing the types of lights) as long as the spectrum stays consistent but i mainly chimed in to verify the comment about the heat… In some cases (during the winter) it has helped as i live in a cold climate… burned one of my plants pretty bad using a focus lamp last grow and learned that one quick.

All that being said, i cannot wait to upgrade to full LED next grow and maybe use a CFL or two for (potentially) supplemental lighting with some heat output if needed… they get VERY hot to the touch and i have to keep them a good 18 inches from the plant I’d say… maybe a tad closer.


Interesting… i didn’t think about that.

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I would venture to guess, if you are in veg, the plants should take it in stride, if you are into flower, proceed more carefully.


Thanks for the advice!
I used CFL’s since instated growing back in '03 as seedlings, clones and also for extra side light, they work quite good in this stages and also I saw many people using cfl’s for the entire grow.
I was just worried a bit about the light spectrum but I think it should be fine as long as I keep it as extra side lights.

i wouldn’t think it’d be an issue, more light is usually better (until its not) the screw in LED bulbs can also be pretty decent with the casing removed, my whole grow is powered by these types of diodes


Yes, now im trying to get a few of those bulbs, thanks!

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