Grow light on a budget. Led light bulbs!

I’m using a setup I just made for raising seedlings. This bad boy is pumping 800+ PPFD too my young plant !

I’ve got a feeling if you could wire on a board 20 of these you’d have some crazy power. Would just need the sockets :disappointed:


Commonly known as “sils” (screw in lamps). There are quite a few people using them, and some crazy examples of the small grow spaces using them out there in the inter webs.

I have seen some micro grow guys remove the board from the lamp and hardwire them, dropping the size way down and eliminating the need for sockets. But don’t mess with that unless you know what you’re doing.

Also, be careful not to touch the exposed components on the face of these, you will get juiced.


Looks like it’s working really well.

The ppfd seems mega high though. Are you using Photone correctly? I didn’t at first. I had to pay for the feature.


Hit up a dollarama and grab a power bar and a few of the 100w replacement LED bulbs (18w actually power or something like that)…then just snag these.

You’ll be flowering and kicking ass!
But then something like this might just be easier…


OH well to be fair I was scanning the PPFD really close to the diodes to reach 800+

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I have no doubt you could build a serviceable rig with them either way just was curious on the numbers.

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You need to take the measurement at the plant canopy height, as that’s where the photosynthesis is happening.

Looks like it’ll do well for seedlings and keeping clones though, no problem.


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Im tossing a smaller plant into flower super early and I’m going to mainly use this little setup for it to see what happens :stuck_out_tongue:

at canopy im getting anywhere from 300-500 depending on the distance, Currently 350ish .

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Interesting stuff,I have some bulb like your with a 22W Power from the Wall,but they emit a lot of heat within their original body.In my case putting 5 or more together Is not a very good option maybe.Might be worth buying lower wattages bulb and use more of them on a frame of some kind but I aint an electrician and can’t wire a frame without a solder.
Do you guys have Ideas?
A 22W led bulb Is worth 5 €,you can do the math and see what a 100 watter costs,like 25€ + a fixture/adapter/frame.
A cheap 100 watter cinese board Is around 70€

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Good point, ive noticed mine put out alot of heat as well

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Sorry to post again,my bulb has epistar Chips,I would like the wise guys ti give It a look.Try to find what led Chips have yours too.
Knowing the chip/diode Is very important


I’ve played around with various household LED bulbs for small-scale indoor gardening and found that, indeed, with the right layout and a bit of creativity, you can achieve surprisingly good results without breaking the bank.

Wiring multiple LEDs onto a board could be quite effective for a larger growing area, just make sure to handle the electrical aspects safely and consider the heat output too.

For anyone looking to delve deeper into the specifics of LED grow lights or seeking to understand the technical side of indoor gardening, can be a handy resource. They break down the science of lighting and how it benefits plant growth, which might be useful for tailoring your setup to ensure your seedlings get the best start in life.

@BeTheLight . Your idea will certainly work. Just buy the sockets and screw them to a board as you say. I have used these many times. They work great. PS. Never show your plants to anyone. :shushing_face:

Don’t they need warmth from the light? or does LED really work better and cheaper??

My leds keep my closet about 80-85

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