MMJ News and Information

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Someone should switch to LEDs

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This thread needs some Yacking! lol We should share what works for us. For instance, CBD healed my back and I now can walk distances without a wheelchair. CBD healed my brain damage, I could not read a paragraph and retain it, now I teach others. THC and CBD has kept MS in remission, I am Relapsing/Remitting, I was at Secondary progressive before I started eating cannabis oil.

We need to share what has worked for us to help others. :slight_smile:

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I still have to use a diabetic med, but cannabis oil got me off insulin. I think you need to worry more about CBD, although THC can interact with meds, if you can not eat grapefruit with a pharma med, you should not use CBD.

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That’s something I only found out about recently and good to know. A lot of chemo meds don’t like grapefruit as it, like CBD interfere with an enzyme that can cause the pharma meds to either not reach the right levels so dosage needs to be upped or can cause other meds to accumulate making blood levels too high.

Definitely need to discuss this with your doctor/specialist and hope they can work with it. I think if I were forced to choose I’d stick with the CBD and THC therapy but that doesn’t always work so kind of a crap shoot. Lost a dear friend recently to breast cancer who refused chemo and was doing a gram a day of RSO when she succumbed. Cancer had got into her brain and everywhere else.

If your doc is going to be sending you for drug level monitoring and you know he/she isn’t cool about pot then you could say nothing and they will adjust your meds once they have results.

Stay safe!



Using CBD is doable, but the issue would be you would need to find a doc willing to do blood test to find the correct dosage of pharma med. Wish we had more “tools” as laymen out here, that did not cost an arm and leg. If we could do our own blood testing would be great.

Issue with breast cancer, if hormone driven you can actually make it worse if high dose THC< should be high dose CBD for hormone driven cancers. All users need some CBD, it is the cannabinoid that keeps cancer from metastasizing. But depending on the cancer rather should be high dose THC Or CBD. Hormonal is normally advised 3:1 CBD to THC< non hormonal, most but not all general advice is 3:1 high THC to CBD.

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