MMS 2024 Outdoor Grow Show

Just finished shucking seeds as you guys call it. I have a new found respect for you breeders, that’s for sure. Think I’ll stick to smoking and breeding every now and then :laughing:. Thanks to @DougDawson for the Blue MoonRocks pollen I won in the giveaway, was able to dust this female I had in my guerilla spot a few weeks ago. She was bustling with seeds when I went to check on her today. We been getting rain off and on for a few days now, so I know she didn’t need water but wasn’t expecting what I seen. The seeds were germinating right on the plant, I removed 6 and planted right there. That’s when I realized it was more sprouting than I was prepared to plant. So I chopped her and brought her back to the spot. There were about 3 or 4 seeds that was showing cotyledon leaves on the plant, they’re really ready and vigorous these seeds. I’m hoping the Indica traits of the BMR will be a nice mix with the Jamaican Lambsbread. Already got all these germinated seeds from the plant, (it was a good 25+ seeds) in pots on the roof. Wasn’t planning on starting my next round already with people still working here but had no choice after seeing these. I’m looking forward to seeing what comes of these. Thank you again @DougDawson :+1:t5:

Pics of the 25+ germinated seeds in a baggie that were planted on the roof. Pics of the seeds I shucked from the plant before bud washing and hanging, there are still plenty more seeds on the plant also (letting these dry a bit before separating and jarring). Pic of one of the seeds showing cotyledon leaves on the plant before removal and there were 4 of them just like that maybe more. I lost count. Thanks for stopping by and I’ll probably make some of these seeds available at a later time for those interested.

Any of my outdoor growers ever have this happen to them before to this extent?