Half-assed grow journal

What’s up everybody

I’m finally getting an outdoor journal going for the summer season - starting it a bit late, as I did with everything this year…so all of these plants are probably in their 3rd or 4th week outside. Mostly all are cuts that I vegged for about 3 weeks after they took root.


Everything is in Coast of Maine soil ( mostly their Castine blend, but some layering of Bar Harbor to ease the plants during transplant. )
I also mixed in

  • Perlite
  • Mykos
  • Some old buffer tabs from Sannies
  • Royal Gold Crown Jewels Grow nutes
  • Coast of Maine Lobser Meal
  • Neptune’s Harvest Crab and Lobster shell


  • Alpenglow: Cherry Vanilla Cookies x Oregon Huckleberry by Dynasty Seeds
  • Lava Fields: Starship x Ms.Universe #10 by Dynasty Seeds
  • Ocelot V2: Pineapple Fields x Blue Heron by Dynasty Seeds
  • LA Confidential x Cocoa Kush done as a tribute to @eskobar on SeedHeaven
  • Amnesia Haze x Chocolate Rain F2 another @eskobar tribute from SeedHeaven
  • Fruit Collision: Wedding Cake x OG / Sanfune by @santero
  • Sanfune 2022: Holy Princess x Chocolate Cheese by @santero
  • Peach Sherbert OG x Lost Skunk by Sky Island Seeds (freebies from SeedHeaven)
  • GushMints x Lost Skunk by Sky Island Seeds (more SeedHeaven freebies)
  • Thunder Rose: Frankenstein x King Tut x Cindy-99 x Strawberry Alien by @JohnnyPotseed - this was the only plant that came straight from seed, as it started throwing pistils before I could take cuttings, plus I wanted to see some Frankie in the garden

Thank you to all who worked their magic and brought these creations into the world - your efforts are truly appreciated!!

This is the first time I’ve started a grow journal, and I don’t intend on making frequent photo updates, unless there are significant changes or problems. But I will be on the site regularly if you have questions, suggestions or requests

Photos to follow----->



Always in the mood to see beautiful plants :kissing_heart:, they should be happy in that mix, keep posting… beer3|nullxnull


I love your choice of strains! :eyes:


A few leaves on the plants suggest I have some hungry bugs around - looking through threads, some suggestions were leaf hoppers (which I have seen), and caterpillars (which I have not).

What’s the community think here:


I forgot how good they were with all the other strains I’ve got started indoors. But when I started snapping pics for this thread, I was like DAMN, this is about to be a hell of a summer

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Certainly could be either. Leaf Hoppers: One/1 TBSP of Alcohol, 1/2 cup of Insecticidal Soap per One/1 Quart of Water. Spray BOTH Top and Bottom (where Eggs are laid) of Leaves. Also, try sierranaturalscience.com’s products, may be used up to day of harvest. Good luck, SS/BW…mister :honeybee: :100: :pray: :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:


I would think about grasshoppers … icon_e_confused|nullxnull



I’ll keep an eye out, but I haven’t seen any in the garden the last few years

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Hey there mr bee! - I’ve got some of sierra sciences 203 drench per your suggestion for fungal gnats - but I think I’ll try the alcohol/soup approach for these fellas


Could be leafhoppers as Mr :honeybee: says, if you don’t see nothing could be night troopers like slugs or snails, even also caterpillars, check this out … beer3|nullxnull


EXCELLENT analysis!! This year is going to be bad for Grasshoppers and other Critters. Gotta be vigilant, SS/BW… :honeybee: :100: :pray: :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:


If it slugs put a piece of bare copper wire around the base of the plant. Acts as a force field to detour slugs . Has All sorts of benefits if you look into it. Good luck :+1:


First time in my life I hired a natura bug serve. I have spring tails all over my house and have never seen them before except in the case of a water issue.

:green_heart: :seedling:


Was just reading up on some of the benefits of copper in the garden. I’m just trying to find a decent source for copper at a reasonable price. Any idea if stranded copper is as effective (possibly more effective) than solid core copper? Home depot has cheap stranded, but super expensive solid core. And half of the copper on Amazon is coated with polyurethane or is of questionable quality

I have readen they get electrocuted while touching it, but it must be touching the ground. I bought this copper adhesive tape and wrapped my pots and tomato trees with them, not sure about the results … icon_e_confused|nullxnull


I think i might get some of this copper tape and wrap my pots with it. But I’m looking into electoculture too now, and for whatever reason, I’m thinking wire is the ticket

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I used this before and it worked good. Much more affordable. Hooked up a 9v battery to it and the slugs stopped coming. https://www.homedepot.com/p/Oatey-3-4-in-x-10-ft-24-Gauge-Copper-Pipe-Hanger-Strap-33525/301505500

Here are the 9v plugs. https://www.amazon.com/Goiio-Containers-Rectangle-Collecting-Accessories/dp/B0BPTDVCJF/ref=mp_s_a_1_13_sspa?crid=QGJB0UBCMLEA&dib=eyJ2IjoiMSJ9.NCz86U2MZP79xFksUe4cfTWFIOs1vPpv91bOShhqnMatBe8Qy1IkWYn0ra5xWAmlS4LB5pW3k3cgYKNdynDdTiZhWumiLAvSQqZ5k0sHwbmP7lqzwiNk2gySoH5fp1Jys7pRqm1m8ILcAe1Yzi-Of6qB3aXna5XTqwXEX6M--TZQmfVvF_mc7uABGpooHNvmbcQCNWKcL7jCC30iHtVYTA.H2YQFr5lRuip7aJs5TWrmgV9hNJm7VZDF8DiV4LbngM&dib_tag=se&keywords=small+plastic+bins+for+food&qid=1720663833&sprefix=small+plastic+bins+for+food%2Caps%2C325&sr=8-13-spons&sp_csd=d2lkZ2V0TmFtZT1zcF9waG9uZV9zZWFyY2hfbXRm&psc=1#
And I used a cheap waterproof container for the battery. https://www.amazon.com/Goiio-Containers-Rectangle-Collecting-Accessories/dp/B0BPTDVCJF/ref=mp_s_a_1_13_sspa?crid=QGJB0UBCMLEA&dib=eyJ2IjoiMSJ9.NCz86U2MZP79xFksUe4cfTWFIOs1vPpv91bOShhqnMatBe8Qy1IkWYn0ra5xWAmlS4LB5pW3k3cgYKNdynDdTiZhWumiLAvSQqZ5k0sHwbmP7lqzwiNk2gySoH5fp1Jys7pRqm1m8ILcAe1Yzi-Of6qB3aXna5XTqwXEX6M--TZQmfVvF_mc7uABGpooHNvmbcQCNWKcL7jCC30iHtVYTA.H2YQFr5lRuip7aJs5TWrmgV9hNJm7VZDF8DiV4LbngM&dib_tag=se&keywords=small+plastic+bins+for+food&qid=1720663833&sprefix=small+plastic+bins+for+food%2Caps%2C325&sr=8-13-spons&sp_csd=d2lkZ2V0TmFtZT1zcF9waG9uZV9zZWFyY2hfbXRm&psc=1#


Quick update - everything is looking real real good over here. Whatever was munching on the leaves in the beginning seemed to move along. Only thing I really applied to the garden was a large dose of LAB about two weeks ago. Never got to the copper barrier approach or the SNS 203 drench, but I appreciate all the suggestions from the community!

Anyways, the plants are too big and I’m too lazy for individual pics today, so here’s a little looksee at the main garden


Again, if anyone has any questions regarding individual strains I’m growing out, I’m more than happy to give details