MoBillys Forevermore Green Room Thread (Part 1)

Mornin everybody! Have a good second day of spring. Listen to your wife Billy. You can thank me later…


It gets worse with age.


I don’t know if it’ll do any good but I spent some time today, switching one White Rhino into a better SIP. There was plenty of good roots on her and I did all I could to clean the roots and cut out the unhealthy ones. She had to be tied up until new roots develop.

Again, I believe that she would have died had I not done this. I’m going to do the second WR tomorrow if my back will allow it.

I increased the nutrients for my BD (heavier on nitrogen)

The VB is looking better every day. I left a few of the bad leaves for a kind of reference point.

I’m seeing a lot of new bud development on both the VB and AR.

Thanks for stopping by for a look. Hopefully I’ll be putting on a better show in time.


My Blue Dream that is finishing up in flower stayed on the pale side all through veg and flower. I threw extra N at her until the tips started clawing and it never got as dark green as the rest of the strains in the tent. Mine was from seed and not the clone but I’m wondering if the paler green is just a genetic trait perhaps.


I hate plants that do that @FirstCavApache64 . Too lime. Must need more N. Then the claw. Done that. I find myself fixing shit that’s better left alone. It throws me off.


I’ve gotten where if I really think it’s an N deficiency, I foliar spray cal-nit or mag-nit. Once, maybe twice. It’s too easy to get N toxicity in the soil. Or any other toxicity as I doubt it’s just N they got fed.


Thanks guys.
What say you @NDNCHILD and @JohnnyPotseed ? The clone came from the ones you guys run.


There is a noticeable lighter coloring on the ones I have going here. How about you, @NDNCHILD ?


Now that’s interesting. I’ll be watching her close. :+1:t5:

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Strains will and can, vary across the spectrum of greens. For instance that WR, it is always a darker green than most others. If it isn’t, there’s a need for nutes!


Yeah I wonder if the appetite for extra nitrogen is a haze trait. The African haze #11 is really hungry for N also and now looking much better after I feed veg and flower nutes together. Blue dream has a good amount of haze in her.


I believe this is the first strain that I’ve grown with much Haze in it’s lineage. That’s a good tip to remember.


I use nitrogen in flower as well as veg in all my strains. I lower the amount of nitrogen for flower but it is still a part of my flowering feeding regimen.


Good afternoon/evening? I dont know I got lost in the tents today. :sunglasses: :vulcan_salute:

The tip I got from @Upstate for longer flowering sativas is chicken manure pellets on the bottom of pots. Slow release but there when needed.

It was difficult to get them happy again on when I missed the window of correction. Threw too much N at them trying to correct, got the claw and male parts followed after more abuse from me at week 16. That was my experience with the Odisha’s I messed up on.

Hope youre feeling better brotha!


I am. Thanks. I actually got a bit done today.


Taken from “WayOfLeaf” website.

Usually, you would decrease a marijuana plant’s nitrogen level as it moves from vegetative phase to flowering. However, while most strains will suffer if you continue adding too much nitrogen, Blue Dream thrives because it can consume large amounts of it without burning.


@MoBilly I have one a few weeks from harvest. She has always been lighter than the others. I’ve slowly added more feed and not much has changed. I have another clone in a 1 gallon that is definitely showing signs of deficiency at the moment but it’s a cal mag def. My opinion would be to let her rock as long as the lighter color is the only concern. She’s looking pretty good. :+1:t3:


I do quite a bit that is different than most. I don’t remove bottom branches, I don’t defoliate unless absolutely necessary because a leaf may be covering a budsite. I use nitrogen in flowering, I use cal mag in veg, the list goes on!
But I will let my results speak for themself…….


And they do.

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What are you guys using as your source of nitrogen?