MoBillys Forevermore Green Room Thread (Part 1)

Morning @Emeraldgreen !


Morning @MoBilly

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Good morning @MoBilly, your garden looks great my friend. I got one of the Vietnam Black to root and I’m still waiting for some other one s but I have VB and that’s what matters. Thanks again my friend. I have something to send you. Keep your eye on the mail. I’ll package them today and mail on Monday.


Good morning brother Mo, and all OG!


Morning my friend


Morning, Mo.
Hope you have a great Saturday.


Good morning to the green room gang. What a nasty cold :cold_face: rainy day it shall be :slightly_frowning_face:! :wink::ok_hand::facepunch::+1::sunglasses::v:

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Good morning @MoBilly and friends, woke up to 6-8” of snow, didn’t have the chance to make my rounds here yesterday as I was out and about all morning and I still feel off because of it.


Good morning :smiley: @TopShelfTrees1, at least you are getting snow :snowman: :snowflake:! :hugs::facepunch::+1::ok_hand::sunglasses::peace_symbol:

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Good morning @Fortman420 @Greenfingers @JohnnyPotseed @Hemp @BigMike55 @OhNo555 & @TopShelfTrees1 !

I woke up having extreme leg cramps. It’s been a bad morning but you all have made an old man smile despite that.
Thank you my friends.


Had these last night too actually, and spasms. Think I over did my walks yesterday. Glad to be able to put a smile on that mug, hopefully your morning only improves drastically from here on out. Feel better bro


Goodmorning @MoBilly and crew

Sorry to hear about the cramps, I know the feeling too well, I hope you feel better soon !


I’m doing better now. I’m guessing that I didn’t drink enough water yesterday. I do that when I get busy working or making music.

Eva constantly keeps an eye on me over this. I used to be the guy at the work site that checked out the other workers to make sure they were drinking enough. Now I’m the one needing reminders. LOL


This is always an issue for me. ALWAYS


Good morning brothas :coffee: :sunglasses: :vulcan_salute:

Sorry to hear about the extreme discomfort. I keep Pedialyte around for those times I feel off. It works wonders for getting those needed electrolytes after 3 pots of coffee I drink almost daily.

Hope youre day turns around and the creative juices start flowing!


Here’s a little update on my nursery plants. I’ve got two of each so they are sharing the same pictures.

My fan was a little too powerful for the tent so I bought two small clip on fans. You can see on that SDxSQ that they were being stressed somewhat.

Was your Canna Cheese this lanky? None of the others are this stretched out between nodes so I’m pretty sure I have enough light on them.

I lost my sick WR last night but the other one had a lot better roots than the first. She has been transplanted into a better SIP. I might end up with one WR out of the two.

Thanks again for stopping by.


Sorry to hear about the rhino, I’m excited for those chocolate rains for sure!

@InTheWoods pedialyte is a good call actually :thinking:


Check your DMs brother @MoBilly


Hope you guys are using Theraworkx for the cramps. This stuff really works.


The Chocolate Rain is looking good at this point. I’m excited about it too. The Canna Cheese (Mephisto) is a 1:1 ratio THC/CBD. I grew one out a while back that was good medicine but the girl got spider mites badly. I got rid of them and harvested a small amount of good bud. But it irked me that she didn’t reach full potential. This time I am keeping my pest control safeguards in mind constantly. I’m very excited to see what I end up with this time.

I have nothing to base an opinion on the SDxSQ but I have it on good authority that she should rock my world. lol
All in all, I am pleased with the way things are shaping up now that I’ve gotten my SIP’s working right.

Here’s the modified SIP that I made from the messed up one.

After I saw the store bought SIP I knew exactly how to fix my mistake.