MoBillys Forevermore Green Room Thread (Part 1)

Or not long enough?

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This is my reminder to make more coffee :joy:

Looking for directions to make a colloidal silver generator. Anybody know where to point me?
Thank you

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I just checked on the Greenroom and this is what I saw.
Here’s how I have my clone station set up right now.

When I inspected the clones, I could see that some of the leaves had gone down hill. I had noticed some light brown patches on them when I got them. Now they look like this.

It seems like the WR took the worst damage. The darkest leaves to the right are from them. The rest of these leaves came from all the rest of the cuttings.

I expected some wilt before they got used to the cloner but the dark spots have me somewhat nervous.

Anyway, here’s a couple of pictures of the flower room.

And I don’t want to leave out the youngsters.

You can see that the Canna Cheese up front center looks like I had the light too close to her. But the Canna Cheese just behind her was the tallest of the two.
Explain that to me. lol
I went ahead and raised the light anyway and it hasn’t shown any new developments from yesterday.

Thanks as always for taking the time to drop by the Greenroom everyone.


Take the dome off and put a light breeze on them

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I had it off until this morning well, on and off. We had just been misting them. They wilted badly when we first got them in the cloner. . So the dome went on. Now we’re weaning them back off it.
Good point though. I want it off ASAP.

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Edit above. LOL

If you’re misting them I’d skip the dome. This combo always rots my growing tips on me. I’ve found putting them in a clone situation with very little light for 24 hours helps them adjust. Than I introduce light

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I never use a dome now that I use aeroponics.

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That type of cloner shouldn’t need/have a humidity dome, brother


Yeah. I edited above. We tried just misting them at first but the humidity was really low and they began to wilt between mistings. So the dome went on and we stopped spraying. They are all standing tall now so we are slowly getting them used to being in the open air again.


If the humidity is very low around your place, I reckon the humidity dome could help. I’ve just never used one on cloning machines in all the years of using em.


I find domes more problematic than not. Creates super high humidity and no airflow, perfect for mold
For low humidity I trim the leaves so that the stress on the plant is lower


Thanks :+1:t5:
I have the dome off and will try misting 5-6 times a day. :wink:


If the leaves are standing up by themselves I’d back off misting


I mist 3 times a day, early morning, mid-day, and late evening. spaced out. It seems best for me, I think too many times makes the clones slow down in rooting… I can only guess it’s because they’re getting enough ‘feed’ through the foliar spray that cause the slow-down in rooting?


OK lol We shall see. I may have been screwing myself for four years. Why would they even sell this type of cloner including a dome in the package? I broke the original and decided to use the tub.
I’ll be kicking myself in the ass for a month if this has been my problem all this time.


maybe to justify the price, plus a bit of ‘overkill’? I’ve used cloning machines for almost 20yrs. (even gave some input/suggestions to EZCloner a couple of times, to help improve their design) never used a humidity dome!
EZCloner company even gave me a 128site machine in appreciation, after using a couple of my suggestions! lol


Don’t do it!!! You throw your back out again :joy::joy::joy:
Hopefully it’s a simple thing like this causing problems, means it’s super easy to fix :grin:


It does look like those leaves remained too wet for too long to me. Clones require a complex balance of heat and moisture: The dome is handy if you have extremely low humidity, then it is especially helpful at keeping the cuts in high humidity for their first 3-4 days (opening once a day to let the extra moisture evaporate) after cutting, after which the dome needs to be opened a little more each day in order to hardened them off. But if cuts have been shipped, they have most likely been subject to too high humidity and darkness during shipping and need fresh air because any mold spores on them have had perfect conditions for growing during transit… there havr been multiple times that I lost freshly-transplanted shipped cuts to rot… now I dip incoming clones in Chloramine to kill any latent nasties. I don’t use a dome for aero clones, personally, I have a larger aeroponic cloner and when I use it I just leave one or two of the plugs out so that some mist can escape and help maintain a higher humidity level to the surrounding cuts. I think these will all root now that you have removed that dome


Sitting here at a wedding reception and having a blast with my family and friends!

Good times!