MoBillys Forevermore Green Room Thread (Part 1)

Good morning @m0sirys @JohnnyPotseed @OhNo555 @BigMike55 @Gumbert @Weednerd.Anthony @crownpoodle and @Golfnutt and all the denizens of OG!

Man what a gully washer we got last night!!! It came down like a cow pissing on a flat rock for hours!
At least I don’t have to walk out to the field to tell the pond filled up. lol


Good morning @MoBilly and friends! At least you got your wish! Pond is full, and I’m sure the wildlife is happy too :wink:


Good morning everyone.
I’ve never heard a cow pissing on a flat rock before :joy::joy:
Glad everyone got through safely


Good morning @MoBilly and the Green Room Crew


Good morning @Blackbeard . :slight_smile:

That is a saying that’s been around as long as there’s been cows. If you’ve ever been standing within 5’ of a cow that pisses on a flat stone… you’ll understand why.


Haven’t had the opportunity :joy::joy::joy::joy:


Being an old country boy myself, and used that saying all my life, lol Trust us when folks say that you don’t want to find out!


Not running out to have that experience :joy::joy::joy: I’ll take your word on it!


good morning @MoBilly and OG! :coffee: :coffee: :coffee:

have a great start into the day! :vulcan_salute: :vulcan_salute: :vulcan_salute: :vulcan_salute:


Good morning @MoBilly, we were supposed to get that stormy weather last night but it stayed south of us. Thank goodness, I’m already waterlogged from the rain. Have a nice day brother.:peace_symbol:


Good morning brother Mo, and all OG!


Good morning @MoBilly, @JohnnyPotseed, @Greenfingers, @m0sirys, @BigMike55 and all the rest of the green room gang checking in this wet rainy morning. Moving slow and heading to the kitchen for coffee :coffee: and to feed Cooper Morgan breakfast :fried_egg:, he is never impressed :joy::joy::joy: when I am taking my time! :+1::facepunch::ok_hand::wink::sunglasses::v:


Good morning everyone.


Good morning Mobilly and crew!


Morning @Hotrods_and_hounds . :v:t3:


Good morning @Hotrods_and_hounds, hope your day is starting out dry with some hot :hot_face: coffee :coffee:! :+1::facepunch::wink::ok_hand::sunglasses::v:


@OhNo555 everyday brother!! Tried some coconut milk today in there and happily surprised! Hope the day treats ya right!


Good morning everyone Hope everyone is doing well today. Outa :heart::disappointed::heart::heart:


Morning boys and girls.


I figured it might be time for another update.
How about some bud shots since the older leaves on the VB & AR never recovered from earlier. In other words the plants look rough. The new growth still looks good but all those older damaged leaves are not at their best or even close. The buds still keep growing and they are drinking a gallon per day so they will do what they do. :slight_smile:
As you look at these first pictures (the VB) you can see some very large calyxes. Do you think these look pregnant or just swollen? I took several shots with and without flash. I was shaking so this is the best I could get. I took a bunch to get these. lol

The AR has some pretty airy buds. Here is a good example of what they all look like.

And here is the BD buds. She’s still got that yellowing going on but not near as bad. I think the girl is doing pretty good.

The plants in the 4x4 are doing fine other than the CC that got burnt by the lights. She really didn’t like that. I don’t know what she’ll produce but she’s pre-flowering big time. I’m going to go ahead and put both CC into the flower room. Their fem anyway and this will give the other four a little room to breath.

Now for the hard part.
Most of the cuttings from @JohnnyPotseed are all but toast. When I first got them I misted them and watched them for 2 hours. They looked good. The next morning they were all on their sides. I put the dome over them for a couple hours and they got back up. Then I got the good advice to let them breath. So I’ve been misting lightly since then. Last night they were all down again and then we found the problem. My air pump had stopped putting out what it had when we set the thing up. Last night we put another air stone and pump in there and the plants started perking up.

The fact that the ones out to the edges were the worst gave it away. When we lifted the top, there was just bubbles toward the middle and none out at the sides.
I’m sick to death about this Johnny. I tried man. I really did.
I pined over those cuttings like a mother hen and never thought to check that damn air pump. If they live it’s because of Eva thinking to check that thing.

I really didn’t want to show this picture. I guess that’s exactly what you’re going to get when you follow my journal. I’ll get this down. You just watch me. Trust me it isn’t from lack of effort. That has actually been my problem in the past. LITFA is hard to do for me. lol

There it is y’all. Some good, some bad, some ugly.
Thanks for stopping by again.

PS: Remember my question about those calyxes on the VB. Does she look seeded to you more experienced growers?