MoBillys Forevermore Green Room Thread (Part 1)

Sorry to hear that but glad you are going to keep on keeping.

:green_heart: :seedling:


Oh yeah @G-paS . I don’t plan on quitting. I wouldn’t have anything to share with my friends on here if I did. And I don’t plan to stop visiting the forum. Nope nope nope.


I totally relate @MoBilly . Growing weed to smoke, and SHARE, is just part of my involvement here. I don’t get out as much as I used to, especially lately. Lots of relationships with folks on here that are important to me. You included.


True words @crownpoodle . I would miss the interaction with friends on here if I left. I’d be sitting in my chair just wondering how you and other awesome folks on here are faring. Why put myself through that? lol


Good afternoon everyone. Hope you are all having a great day.

As much as I hate saying this. These problems you are working through @MoBilly will be the lessons you really remember


Then the grow was worth your time and effort. Just because the end result was not to your liking does not mean that it wasn’t a successful grow. The lessons learned will help guide you in every grow forward and help make them a success.
Do you honestly think I haven’t had my share of failures? I can assure you I have.
The only reason someone becomes good at something is learning from the mistakes made and not repeating them. That is exactly how success is achieved.
So lift that head high and know that you have just become a better grower than you were. Now you know that when you see that stress in your plants to go find the problem, if it eludes you then simply ask those that you trust with a little more experience.
You got this brother, I have faith in your thirst to want to succeed! And that my friend is 50% of the battle.


Thanks @Oldjoints . I always hesitate to go hollering for help. But I will be more apt and quick to seek out knowledge from my friends.
I got this.
I guess now it’s time to drop some seeds. I went in there and gave the cuttings their second misting just now. Three might live.
Moving the hell on…
My main gripe with this “learning event” was they were from my good friend.
That is a hard pill to swallow.


I am sure your friend will understand! What makes me so sure of that?
Because he also has had his share of mistakes.


Hello @MoBilly
Thanks again for sharing everything about your grow.
I agree we all have to fail in order to succeed.
My last grow the dimmer failed on my light causing the plant s to stretch.
I got it sorted out swapped out the dimmer then my fan died. haha
Equipment failures happen and all you can do is overcome them and move on.
Take it in stride and become a stronger person.
Sometimes things are just beyond our control.


Thanks again for the support guys. It means a lot to me.


You know @MoBilly , I came to OG, other places with like minded people. But I was just looking to grow better weed. Solve some confusion I had maybe.
I got so much more. Said so many times. I have friends I care about, who care about me! I manage to do ok growing weed now, most of the time too. My daughter’s and I laugh together. " did you ever expect your dad to have a bunch of weed nerd friends?" Not really dad.
I have a lot of other interests. Always have. But I have not made new friends in those areas of my life like I have here. Nope. Off to take the missus to lunch. 40th anniversary. Married. Plus some.


I get very angry when I got grow problems and want to quit myself, but things always seem to get turned around and I do see it as a learning experience. The grows can’t always be perfect and green without any problems and in the end I have always had good smokeable weed. Yield might have been small , but was always proud that I grew it. :wink::+1::facepunch::sunglasses::ok_hand::v:


@MoBilly lol I,m betting your friend can supply you with replacements :wink: :joy:
Been there, done that brother. Shit happens


Thanks again everyone. I have a host of friends. :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

Heading home now. We went to pick out my new breeding buck. He’s adorable!
He is a gift from Eva’s aunt for all the help we have given her. That’s just what family does in my world. But she knew that I’ve wanted a billy from her bloodline for a long time. This one doe in particular. He’s going to be a great addition to the homestead and I am beyond happy about it! He is the largest baby out of the three billies her best milker birthed and should be a beast!
She had 4 babies but one was a little nanny.

Meet Big John.


He’s adorable!! Congratulations on your new male


Thanks @Emeraldgreen . :slightly_smiling_face:


Nice @MoBilly . A young and old goat.


Thanks @crownpoodle .
I’m just hoping he grows into his name.

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I do rather resemble a old goat since I took off the side whiskers. LOL


That’s awesome @MoBilly, he’s a real good looking goat. Hi there Big John. :peace_symbol: