MoBillys Forevermore Green Room Thread (Part 1)

IKR? I hate it, if I can’t do anything to make it better!

lol does remind of a funny story though.
My oldest son was about 3 when he went to the bathroom to pee, all by himself! lol His ‘I’m a big boy now’! move… he got his pecker caught in the zipper (BAD!) and i had to get him loose… then he was sooooo hurt cause mommy wouldn’t ‘kiss it better’!! The whole family was rolling over thatun. It made Rose stop doing the ‘kiss it bettter’ thing though! lol


That certainly brought back a memory for me. I had the onesie pajamas with the zipper from the foot to the chin. I definitely remember that happening to me, I was really hoping never to remember that. :grimacing:


lol you’re welcome for me bringing the unpleasant memory back! :man_facepalming: :wink: :scream: :thinking: :rofl: :heart:


Yup, EXACT same here! Good old bootie jammies!
I also did that more than once! :persevere: oh man!
(I still remember my Smurf ones)


It was almost a daily thing until we got rid of the damn things


Good morning y’all! Interesting conversation this morning… lol
The baby goat is still getting around and eating well… etc. But he’s not straightening his back up. Yesterday I stopped by Eva’s aunt’s home with some hay and I made a deal for the father of my little billy. He’s only ~ 1 1/2 years old and very gentle. But he has massive horns that kinda scare the owner. lol
Now just watch… This little one will heal up and I’ll be stuck with two male goats. I may make a wether out of him and make him my yard goat/lawnmower. After us having to bottle feed him there’s no way in this world Eva will ever part with him.
My homestead is filling up with cripples. Including me. lol


Bahaha omg, I know I shouldn’t laugh but it was hilarious! See now it’s officially a rehabilitation homestead! I’m sure the little one will be in great spirits having his kin with him, I’m still optimistic he’ll heal up though as I know just how resilient “kids” are :wink:


I really hope so @TopShelfTrees1 . He’s a great little guy and smart as a whip. He’s even self house training himself. We have him in the living room for now and he will stand up and holler when he needs out to pee. lol


That’s awesome! Very cool , can he walk alright?


OH yeah @TopShelfTrees1 . He can walk. Even walk straight now. It’s just his back looks like a pissed off cat, All hunched up.


Half the threads on OG have some damaged body parts discussed almost daily. People and pets, or farm animals in your case @MoBilly . OG seems populated by codgers and their animals.


Does he have wonky legs? If so you may want to look up this disease: Epiphysitis

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No @Oldjoints . His legs are straight and he walks straight now. At first he did a side pass (hind legs off to the side and not in line with the front) when walking. Now he walks straight just humped up in his back. He has the profile of a pissed off cat with his back all hunched up.

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Hmmm if it has had that since birth it could be a real problem. Goats hunch thier backs when in pain. But if born that way that would be different.
If you want free advice from a vet that specializes in goats try this:|ga|1|US%20-%20Pets%20-%20Large%20Animal%20Veterinary%20-%20Google%20-%20Alpha%20Minus%20-%20BMM|Goat%20Health%20-%20BMM%20-%20Low%20Intent|&JPKW=%2Bgoat%20%2Bhealth&JPDC=S&JPST=&JPAD=93020442723&JPMT=b&JPNW=g&JPAF=txt&JPCD=20160225&JPRC=1&JPOP=Health_Restructure_Test&r=ppc|ga|1|||&JPKW=%2Bgoat%20%2Bhealth&JPDC=S&JPST=&JPAD=93020442723&JPMT=b&JPNW=g&JPAF=txt&JPRC=1&JPCD=&JPOP=&cmpid=418755243&agid=26263041723&fiid=&tgtid=kwd-32554319785&ntw=g&dvc=m&gad_source=1&gclid=EAIaIQobChMIns3A39ndhQMVwQKtBh2elwjpEAMYASAAEgI7NvD_BwE


I bookmarked this bro. Thanks. I’ll try this later today.
It wasn’t since birth. He was fine the first few days. I think he was stepped on or took a hard hit from a nanny that he mistook for mom.


It could be many things like worms or a bad diet or a lack of a certain nutrient. Try that link and talk to the vet, hopefullly you can get the little guy fixed up.


Absolutely @Oldjoints
There are so many things it could be. Maybe the vet can line me out. He’s just now old enough to take medicine for worms. I’ll chat with the vet when I get settled down in the house later.


good morning @MoBilly :coffee: :coffee: :coffee:

hope you get the little guy fix up soon! :upside_down_face: :slightly_smiling_face: :upside_down_face:


Good morning brother Mo, & all OG!


Good morning @m0sirys and @JohnnyPotseed !