MoBillys Forevermore Green Room Thread (Part 1)

Good morning @MoBilly and OGers, hope yall are well.

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Good morning everyone!

I can’t weigh in on the heat issue but I do know if you use a SIP system you will not over water the plant. There is a hole on the side of the bucket that is an overflow to prevent the water from being any deeper than that point. And as was stated, the plant only draws what it needs from the res.
I have one plant that is a couple of days away from going in the new SIPs that I bought and everything is finally ready for me to drop some seeds. I’m off and running with a proper setup.
@JohnnyPotseed ,
You have dealt with that high heat issue in the past. What would you suggest? @Fortman420 has some good input on this. Can you add anything to what he posted?


I have zero experience with SIP system, brother. Sorry. As to heat? I always have enough AC power to counter any of that, Adding a bigger window unit, or even a potable AC to the area, venting out a window or floor.


Yeah. I was referring to the heat. I knew you never SIPed. :slight_smile:

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I’ve always gone with much bigger units than needed for any space, that way they never over-work. No matter how hot it gets!


Bigger is always better, and saves you from having to buy another to compensate for any additional heat in the future and saves on wear and tear! :wink::+1::facepunch::sunglasses::peace_symbol:


Good morning everyone.


Good morning @Emeraldgreen !

Last year with my earth boxes saw temperatures above 100° for a few weeks so I would add a bit of cool fresh water down the tube to give the root zone a cooling break.


If I had a well and was fighting with that kind of heat, I’d keep a small trickle of water going on the box. Any overflow could be collected for other uses (flushing the toilet for instance).


One of the big AC units took a dump on us here last year, too expensive to bother replacing so ran just the other one all summer for the entire barn, no problem. I bought a much bigger unit than needed nd ended up being glad AF! lol That thing kept the whole barn nice, even in the hottest part of heat waves (120+ heat index)
We had two, one in each of the big rooms.


Good morning @MoBilly


Good night @MoBilly and OG, see yall in the morning.

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Would this suffice? It’s up in Festus MO. I bet there’s some woods all around it. lol


That would be nice and cooler in the hot MO summers

:green_heart: :seedling:


That it is most definitely a cool place, the nearly 3 acres is perfect. I’d prefer somewhere with better weather patterns, but the weather seems to be going crazy everywhere nowadays and the last selling price wasn’t too bad. :thinking:


I actually have a friend that built his home in the mouth of a cave. I’ve posted about it on here before. He had a boatload of cash that he couldn’t account for (if you know what I mean). lol
His home is a dang mansion. All that cash went into buying the land and building that place. I’m talking 16’ planks of walnut for stairs…
Anyway. The cave goes back at least 200’ and he has stonework rooms built all the way back to where the underground river is at. Yeah, That cave is only a small part of a network of caves, all connected by that underground river system. The main entrance is barred up because of a brown bat that lives in there. It’s endangered so they shut it off many years back.


That is a shame. This one sounds amazing! A cave with a river inside would be perfection. I want to break in and take a tour! :stuck_out_tongue:

As for the previous house, it would come down to: What are the bud laws like in Festus? :joy:


Well, I have some seeds to sort out and drop and a few other things before bed so I’m gonna say good night to you all.


good morning @MoBilly and OG!!! :coffee: :coffee: :coffee:

have a great weekend!! :vulcan_salute: :vulcan_salute: :vulcan_salute: :vulcan_salute:

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