MoBillys Forevermore Green Room Thread (Part 1)

Me too but who can afford to live in Hawaii !


Good morning everyone. Always interesting conversation with all of you :grin:


Morning errybuddy.

When I was married to my first wife in Arkansas, her grandma lived outside city limits. This was early 1970s. She had no indoor plumbing. No electric. Had an outhouse for toilet. No running water. I would go over each morning on my way to work and draw five buckets of water from her well.
Truth be known, I liked that old lady better than I liked my wife.


I’m not a fan of yappy little dogs either, at all. We live next to a park, and someone is always bringing ther barking little sh*t’s by with the “oh he’s friendly, he just barks”… Meanwhile I’m on the other side of the fence with a now 90lb pup that does actually have instincts and wants to work (protect me), telling him that “no, those aren’t good dogs, are they? They yell all the time, and that’s not nice yelling, is it??”. I’m the kind of guy that’s saying it loudly enough that most people in the park heard me. But really, if either of my big dogs barked like that, people would lose their minds.

That said, working dogs are great and all, but if you don’t work them enough, they’re insanely destructive, and you might end up with a wolf owner wanting to have words in a dark ally :wink:.

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Right after we got married, I took a job clearing land for a guy. He offered me a trailer to live in but there was no running water or electrical. After the job was finished he said that we could stay there if I kept an eye on things when he was out of town. My wife and I lived there for ~4 years.
I believe that is one reason for the two of us staying married for over 40 years. We got to know each other extremely well during that time since we were the only entertainment for the other.
Well, that and a battery powered radio. lol


Talkin bout these old times make think about this ol Jerry Reed song. Personally can’t relate too much cept for stories from my dad and my grandpa this is very much how they lived

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I actually grew up a city boy. In one of the roughest parts of Boston, at the time. Only thing we knew about country folks was learned from Beverly Hillbillies and Green Acres tv. Haha.
I think what really surprised me in Arkansas in the 1970’s was the blatant racism that I did not see too much of in Boston.
As an example. There was a small nightclub on the outskirts of Hot Springs AR that was a C&W bar, called the Rondevous Club. . There was a sign on the front that said “Blacks in the Back” and an arrow. There was a smaller bar room back there where the black guys could go and drink. They were not welcome in the front. This was 1976, I think. Weird.

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40 years… That’s awesome man, you don’t hear that much anymore :+1::+1::metal:

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Its been 43 but who’s counting. lol


It’s was a stressful night and rough morning, ihad to put my 14 yrs old dog Frodo down an hour ago. He ended up having multiple seizures by the morning and we just couldn’t let him suffer. Just need a place to get some emotions out. I miss my boy like hell, RIP little sausage


He’ll, sorry to hear. That is one of the toughest things to deal with. Remember the loyalty and the good times brother.

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My heart goes out to you Fortman420. Damn.


Awe, man! That’s ruff.
Sure do get attached to our animals. My cat Dusty is like my shadow. Its gonna kill me. Sorry about your loss, buddy.


good morning @MoBilly and OG!!! :coffee: :coffee: :coffee:


Good morning Mo, have a awesome day my friend.:peace_symbol:


Good morning :sun_with_face: @MoBilly, @Greenfingers, and all the coffee :coffee: club fun :star_struck: bunch! :partying_face::partying_face::partying_face::+1::facepunch::wink::sunglasses::peace_symbol:


God morning @MoBilly & everyone


Good morning everyone.


Good morning fellow OG fcannatarian’s. Time to talk, smoke, dab, bong rip, eat, and everything else this day.


Good morning @Fortman420 @MoBilly
Rest of you