MoBillys Forevermore Green Room Thread (Part 1)

Good morning brotha :coffee: :sunglasses: :vulcan_salute:

Did you flip the AR ,VB and WR ?
I read up on the AR and look forward to seeing how she is, I need to read up on the VB.

Is White Rhino one of the parents of White Shark?

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When I lived with Grandpa in West Virginia we hauled our water from the spring (about 400’ from his home). Actually the spring was the old family coal mine before they hit water while digging coal. That water was filtered through the coal in that hill. I’m telling you it was the clearest, cleanest water I ever drank. But I would have tried to beat up a black bear to have an inside pump!


Yes they are now on a 12-12 schedule. :slight_smile:


I was always getting the business from all her relatives down there :point_down:, total way different lifestyle. I have never lived anywhere that you had to chop wood 🪵 to feed the stove and the old Franklin stove or pump water as a daily part of living.

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I remember when Grandpa got the water from the well ran to the back porch. lol Grandma was in hog heaven!


They put indoor plumbing in my great grandpa’s house back in the fifty’s but he never used it till he got in his elderly years in the late eighties. For years while everyone else used the toilet he still went to the outhouse. He said shittin in the house was the nastiest thing he ever heard of :joy:


After we moved away and Grandpa passed, my uncle ran a line to the house. I never benefited from it though. They ended up renting the house out to a family years later and when they stopped paying rent and were kicked out, the home somehow caught fire and burned to the ground.

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I would love to see are kids trying to live back then! :joy::joy::joy:


The water got ran to the back porch in the mid 50s, it finally got indoors in the very early 60s along with the electric


FYI I still have an outhouse in the corner of my back yard. Sometimes the house is just too far from the barn. lol


lol oh yes… ain’t nothing like the smell of a ripe outhouse in the hot summer heat!


Cock a doodle doo! Good morning my friends


Good morning @TopShelfTrees1 ! I hope your day is just grand!


Same to you ! Snowy and cold in Niagara today. Hope things look better on the homestead. Even my dog didn’t wanna go out :joy:


We still have a dusting of snow on the ground @TopShelfTrees1 . That won’t last more than an hour or so with the temps hitting 50 today.


Oh I’m envious! 25 here atm :cold_face:

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It is supposed to be up around 70 Wednesday. I would like to fool myself into thinking that’ll be it for the cold weather. But it isn’t likely. lol


@TopShelfTrees1 lol it’s kinda funny, brother. Right now you’re jealous of our bit higher temps but come summer heat we’ll be jealous of your cooler temps!


You got that right bro. You can always put on more clothing to warm up but you can’t take enough off to get cool. I know, just ask the folks that work at Walmart! I tried to explain my reasoning but it fell on deaf ears! But I was comfortable all the way to lockup. Dang, they sure keep them cells cold. But at least the other prisoners didn’t bother me. They just left me sitting on that steel bench seat and gathered in the far corner of the cell.

Just in case you all need this…


lol, I was hoping not…. Had me worried for a sec :open_mouth:‍:dash:

@JohnnyPotseed its so true, I’d love a happy medium