MoBillys Forevermore Green Room Thread (Part 1)

Good morning @MoBilly

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Good morning @Fortman420 . :slight_smile:
Hope you’re having a great one.

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Good morning :sunny: @MoBilly

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Good morning @Golfnutt . :slight_smile:

You are very right bro, so true. Nice to know people care and make that effort daily. And the army steadily increases :wink: OG is definitely a pretty special place


Morning, brother.
I was up earlier. Had a nice cuppa Joe. And finished a bong bowl from last night. It was LPC spiked with a little Bubble Hash.
Needless to say. I nodded back out listening to a bit of Pink Floyd. But I’m back now. Haha.


My kind of morning, right there.


Indeed. Sweet dreams were abundant.

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That kinda sums up my early morning. lol
I got up at 6 and took care of the outside chores then I took a few hits from the bong. Then went to sleep in my chair for an hour or so.


Kinda makes for a nice morning.
But now I want to wake and bake. Again. Some more.


Story of my life right there :man_facepalming:t2:


It’s been a while so here’s a look.

The Blue Dream looks happy after her first topping.

The WR. I had to defoliate the two WR’s because all the leaves were choking out the light from everything but the very top. They look awful thin but right now I just want to get a little smoke from them. These screwed up SIP’s are a pita but I’ll pull some out of them.

The VB and AR are chugging along with the program. Not happily but, again, it’s just about getting something for our efforts at this point. I’ve got a lot of baby buds growing up.


Out of likes but everything looks really nice and healthy @MoBilly very nice :facepunch:t2: :green_heart::green_heart::green_heart::green_heart::green_heart:


Thanks @TopShelfTrees1 . I’m always my own worst critic. This I have been told many times. lol

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I hear you on that 100% I guess we just strive for absolute perfection ourselves, when in reality we are doing just fine, they really do look good bro


Thanks again brother @TopShelfTrees1 .

Always :green_heart::green_heart::green_heart::green_heart::green_heart::green_heart::green_heart::green_heart::green_heart::green_heart::green_heart::green_heart::green_heart::green_heart:

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Gooood afternooon! :sunglasses: :vulcan_salute:

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Yo, Mo.
your garden is looking dang good brother.

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Glad your garden is chugging along nicely. It always stinks when your garden isn’t exactly how you like it.
At least there is time to correct it. I think everything looks pretty good so far. :+1: :peace_symbol: