MoBillys Forevermore Green Room Thread (Part 1)

Thanks @BigMike55 . :+1:t5:
Thanks @Blackbeard . :slight_smile:
I always said I’d show the good bad and ugly on my journal. The “good” is easy. The “bad and ugly”… not so much. But if someone reads my mistakes with the SIP system or anything else and doesn’t repeat that screw up, it’s worth putting it up.


Some random baby bud pictures.

I might have avoided a tragedy with my sprouts. I never used a seed starter kit before and ended up with mold developing (a lot and quickly) so, two days ago I took the babies out of that crap. I rinsed them off in water and peroxide then popped them into Solo cups where they should have been to begin with.

The two Chocolate Rain have stretched out more than I like but I’ve turned up the light somewhat. I’ll plant them deep in the new SIP container when I get enough root development. I’m thinking they’ll be fine.


@MoBilly what is that on top of the soil in the picture that is looking down into the pot?

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The SIP’s are watered from a bottom res. That’s the fill tube.

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Actually I think I figured it out after zooming in. It looks like wood chips covering the surface of the soil. Great idea, does that last throughout the entire grow?

Man those bud pics look awesome in the second photo group.

Ah. Yeah it stays there. The manufacturer called for 2" of mulch on top of the soil. Since you don’t water from the top, it stays dry.

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I am going to build a large SIP system for my mom. I told her about it and she’d seen them on DIY shows. She’s thrilled about the idea.
When I start the process I’ll post some pictures of the build on here if anyone is interested. She’ll probably ruin it by planting those nasty green beans that she loves so much.
Let her eat as many as she wants and I might even help her a little just to make her smile. She knows I detest the things. lol

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Be careful talking about Moma’s green beans…

I love em too. Of course there ain’t much that comes from the garden I don’t like except maybe beets.


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Pickled beats are the BOMB! lol
That was candy to us that didn’t get candy often.


lol I was just gonna say, pickled beets are the only way I’ll eat em


We pulled up peanuts and boiled them in salty water. Yum! I still make em.


That sounds awesome. I wonder how peanuts would grow in a 25 gal SIP?? :thinking:

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Another tasty treat! lol lots of goodies growing on farms
Boiled peanuts are sold on every corner in the south, lol
Well maybe not every corner, but ya get the idea


If this works out I’m going to fill my moms back yard with long raised SIP containers and she won’t be on her knees anymore. lol
I might just do the same here. It would actually make sense for me to do that, access wise that is.

Maybe you could find the Jumbo peanuts and give it a try. Or maybe your Mom could grow em for ya.

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We’ve worked her garden for years with compost, manure… She can grow monsters in there. I just don’t want her bending over or on her knees any more than necessary. :wink:

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That is the case in South Carolina where I was born and raised til the Military. “Get em while they are hot, Boiled Peanuts!”

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It’s gonna take a lot of plants to grow enough to have boiled peanuts, you can order raw unshelled peanuts on Amazon lol


Plus I wouldn’t want my mom growing nuts, I would have to call her dad after that…….

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Yeah, lots of folks are growing in raised beds for that reason. My garden is still in the ground but most of the GH is up on tables.