MoBillys Forevermore Green Room Thread (Part 1)

Nope. That ain’t it.

Nope. I give it until 7:30. If Jo one guesses I will reveal.

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Johnny has a pipe on the right leg and bag of smoke on the left hip? :joy: @BigMike55

Good evening y’all! :fist:t3:🪶🪶

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You picked it because it’s a Harley and not a Japanese bike?

No one guessed it!
I can’t believe it with all you old farts in here. Haha.

I was those spiffy wide white wall tires with the baby moon hub caps. It’s the only trike there that has them.


Almost I knew it was bike related - my uncle biker bob would’ve guessed it. I was trying to think like him may he rest in peace. He said he want to drive his Harley off a cliff instead heart attack


I would never “rice burner” another mans ride.
I can tell you this. I have ridden some of the best motorcycles on the planet. I’m gonna say HD would be no where near the top 10. No offense to HD or their fans. I’ve owned HD. And lots of others. I loved my old Street Glide.


Yeah he was old school at some point he wanted a triumph though. Those are pretty nice also. He would ride us around the neighborhood as kids. I felt cool. Anyway the AI reminded me of him.


I do get the 'Harley Mystique ". And back in the 80’s and earlier they were probably some of the better ones out there. Except for that bowling pin era.


Harleys are rad bikes, but they are too high maintenance. Honda’s like that GoldWing you mentioned are fairly maintenence free and built for riding, Harleys are made for maintaining :joy:

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They would take something off the muffler (not sure if right part) that would make the Harley roar. He would always say this is illegal they might give a ticket. It was so loud, I could see why illegal.


Actually, any more, they make a great bike, little maintenance and they look pretty. The thing is, while the rest of the cycle industry was going forward with technology, HD remains fairly stagnant.
Basically if you buy a brand new HD same model for same model, and compare to 10 years ago those are the same bike.
I think HD is nice for nostalgia but that’s about it. My brother used to tell me, It’s an Investment!
Last I looked you’re supposed to possibly make money with investing. I know of no vehicle that will even retain it’s MSRP after it leaves the dealership. It’s now a USED bike. And unless you never drive it and keep it in the garage covered for to twenty five years. You will always lose money.
Sorry. High as hell and going on a rant here.


Is it because of the mirror 🪞 image? :face_with_monocle:

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No brother but thanks for playing.

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That’s the baffles they would remove from the muffler. Basically making the exhaust a straight through system. Loud.


Perhaps :thinking: it reminds you of your first bike?

That all I got :laughing::rofl::joy::sweat_smile:

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No… Maybe my first car…

Keep guessing


Reminds you of a person you admired, maybe a close relative or best friend? :thinking:

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Hmmm… Nope. That ain’t it!
You get unlimited guesses.

He looks like a tall leprechaun :four_leaf_clover::joy::joy::+1:

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