MoBillys Forevermore Green Room Thread (Part 1)

Yesterday I drove to the ocean. First time behind the wheel in maybe 5 weeks? It’s close, 5 minutes, then walked for 25. Felt good, but yea… little at a time. Small steps. The pain is better but I feel like a weak puppy right now. No “sick puppy” comments either. I think that was part of the OG entry exam. Sick Puppy…check.
My health insurance gets me in the gym for free. Never been a gym guy, but I think it might help me get something back sooner? Find an elliptical that agrees with me. Maybe? Surgeon is going to try and get me more supervised PT where I can make sure I’m not screwing up.
By Easter my yard will be full of Calla Lillies and these purple things. Some kind of Dr Seuss geranium. 15 years ago I planted 2 in 1 gallon pots. The neighborhood is officially populated.

That’s once I’m cut loose to do more activity


Those pictures look like a very nice place to heal what ails a person. I believe that the more peace a person brings into their mind and soul, the quicker the body can recuperate from injury.


I agree completely, I’ve experienced that myself no doubt


So. I made a leap of faith. I know how bad the choice to do this was. I’m sure it’ll stunt the growth of these plants but they were dying anyway. I was right. The roots are in terrible shape on the AR and the VB. The AR is the worst of the two.
So I transplanted the two plants with nasty roots into new, proper, SIPs. Either they will live or not. The two WR are going to be transplanted as well. I know they don’t look too bad right now but the AR and the VB went downhill so fast I don’t want to wait and let the roots get in that kind of shape on the WR.
I hated doing it now in the middle of their third week of flower but WTH could I do. I was fighting a loosing battle.
BTW the roots were mush. Again, I don’t even know if they’ll live much less bounce back to produce anything worth smoking.
Here’s a shot of them.

You can see that the Blue Dream is now in the flower room.
The WR.

And the babies.

My wife suggested holding off on starting some more of the seeds that I killed by over heating the mat under them and run just these six for a couple of weeks. Then I’ll give those other strains another try.
The Canna Cheese is fem so I know what they are but the Chocolate Rain and SD x SQ are regular. Running two of each of them will give me a better chance of having a female out of those.
Fingers crossed :crossed_fingers:t3: and all that.

Thanks for stopping by.


It’s been a long day and I am bushed. Catch you all tomorrow.
Good night all.


Good night buddy.
You made the right choice above


Just another growing experience. @MoBilly
You’re getting cycled into your new buckets and soon there’ll be no looking back! Looks like your Blue Dream is very happy in the new system. :+1:t3:


Here is my advice:
If you have no white roots at all and the entire root system is mushy you are wasting your time trying to save the plants.
If you do have some white roots left cut away all the brown and diseased roots and dispose. Dispose of soil that plants were in also. It is most likely riddled with a fungal disease. If a plant has some white roots cut the whole root system back to these white roots. Run root system under water until no soil is left on roots. If you have a fungicide spray the root system with the fungicide and re-plant in new soil that drains well. Your plants that you cut back and re-planted will stall out and take about two weeks to rebound,
If the roots are total mush your best bet is to just toss the plants and start fresh. I know it sucks and hard to do but it’s better than wasting more time and funds on plants that are slowly going to die. Trust me I have been down this road. As others have stated it is a lesson learned and in the long run will make you a better grower!


good morning @MoBilly and the Green Room and OG of course! :coffee: :coffee: :coffee:

have a wonderful day! :vulcan_salute: :vulcan_salute: :vulcan_salute:


Glad to see someone’s up :joy::joy::joy:, now I don’t feel so bad. Just got coffee :coffee:, dam dog :dog: got up at 3:30 and wanted to play ball :soccer:. My arm is getting numb from throwing it. His energy is way beyond mine. Good morning to all, still on the dark side of the moon :new_moon_with_face: at my house :house_with_garden:. :v:


Good morning @MoBilly and OGs :coffee: :sunglasses: :vulcan_salute:

I hope the plants rebound for you and get to try some smoke from them!


Good morning my friend, hope them gals recover. @oldjoints gave you pretty complete (and good) advice.


Good morning my friends


Thanks JP but not quite complete.
Even these new sips I recommended tend to keep the soil a bit to wet in some circumstances (like winter time). Simply waiting a day or two after the flag is down before watering is a good idea if your plants are showing signs of overwatering. Signs of overwatering are varied and all plants show it differently. Below are some of the signs:

Drooping leaves, yellowing leaves, leaves tacoing down on the edges, brown spots or discolored leaves, wavy looking leaves.

The above are the many signs of overwatering. If the soil on top is very wet let them go a day without water, if after that day it is still very wet let it go two days.


Good morning TopShelfTrees1!
And morning to everyone reading…….


I have zero experience with SIPs, that advice is good for regular pots though. lol


Oh, yeah. Pinkus Floydicus. I love it.


That was the ultimate mind music :musical_score: to listen :headphones: to when you were getting stoned back in the day, that music :musical_note: really set the tone for stoned! :wink::sunglasses::v:


We may be cut from the same cloth, my rock n roll Bruddah.


Goodmorning @MoBilly and crew!