MoBillys Forevermore Green Room Thread (Part 2)

Are you talking plants? As a drummer… my wife… or my plants … would hate my music thoroughly :rofl:

Im into alot of heavier stuff… i like simpler music too i just dont learn from any of it…

My absolute favorite band… so far of all time… is the band TOOL


It truly is the only way… something always causes me to say screw it… and light 1 up… makes me sad :pensive:

I have cut back… i am under 1 pack a day… shes around 1 and a half to 2 a day… :eyes:


My overall plan… is to use marijuana in place

But not cost effective until a good harvest lol…

Ive tried ariculartherapy (electronic impulse in ear)

Patches , gum, just staight willpower…

The electronic impulse worked the best…


We’ve never bothered to try, lol there have been times either one or both of us have had to slack off. Like down to 1-3 a day, lol but this is the first time to actually say ‘we quit’!
Using Ganja in place of cigs is our plan too, lol
Rolling our own with natural tobacco ordered online, is a LOT cheaper than buying packs at a store, lol we get 2.5 cartons for under $20.00. But need to quit for medical reasons…


i can’t believe the jets are winning @MoBilly , it’s surreal - time to watch football again
hah once you said drummer @Terpsnpurps I knew you were going to say tool, time to listen to some - hope everyone’s having a nice morning - I lucked out with the cigs, but throw some hash in it and I’m game


Plenty of ways to skin the cat , assuming that one has the desire / need . We both smoked for years ( non-filtered Camels ) , she passed in 2006 . I finally put 'em down for good 2019 . Did the gum , lozenges , patches etc . Aint easy & it’s like drinkin / opiates in that one either does or doesn’t . No such thing as in between . Starting to look like a reformed whore here dammit


Yessir Danny Carey is a percussion god hands down…

Have you heard the newer single of opiate?? Holt shit bro! Listen to it!


no only the old tool albums we listened to day in and day out back then since I am of that age - I always liked ticks and leeches - I’ll check out the new song - other drummers l like are ginger baker, tommy lee, and the guy from the roots off the top of my head sepultura is crazy for metal drummers


Ticks n leeches was my absolute favorite… and its 1 of the rare ones i cannot wven come close to playing…


Metal is easier for me… im fast as can be with my hands and feet.
. Double bass is my bread and butter… i did alot of training double bass wise with the pantera songs like becoming… which i do wrong but im very close…


Tommy lee … his stuff is so fun to play… all of it

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cool I had a few bands one guy hit the drums so hard I could feel it in my chest (i was the rhythm guitarist) that was so cool, I would always play with him, my cousin married him lol haha - hi B


Lol i did that at 1st… 10 drum heads and 4 zildjian cymbals later i started using dynamics to achieve the same results just not so slapping down hard… lol

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nice groove around 4:54 of new tool song you posted cool I was into it not even realizing what I was listening to


Morning my friend.
I hope you have a great weekend.


The polyrhythms are absolutely ridiculous!


Morning to you my friend.


Right at 4:54 is where that insane polyrhythm begins… you have a good ear bro

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So you can understand my level of talent… i can almost do that polyrhythm… most of it… when he goes to double strikes with each hand simultaneously offset is where he loses me

Good morning @hemp!
I’m just sitting reading about stuff I know absolutely nothing about but it’s music so it’s interesting.
Never messed with drums at all but it sure always looked fun.
There’s not much call for drums in a bluegrass band but I’d try jamming with @Terpsnpurps and @MikeyMeteor anytime.

Talent is talent. I’m sure they could find a beat that would work with what I do. We could lift the roof with some hard driving blues or classic rock.