MoBillys Forevermore Green Room Thread (Part 2)

What a showoff!!! Y’all know how I feel about them showoffs. Right @BigMike55 ?
But, like Mike, if the show is that good I’ll watch it to the end twice!

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The man was a phenom……
Copied by all of them!


Awe you dont have to call me a phenom. Im merely a legend. Lol

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More like a pheno, and a legend you are correct…… in your own mind.

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Lmao… a pheno… hahahahaha :joy::sweat_smile::rofl:

I of course love all things Zeppelin, I had all their albums but, Bonham had timing issues. I really loked Mitch Mitchell’s drumming and how he could fill in all the spaces during his drumming interplay with the Hendrix experience


Check Chris Adler out from Lamb of God! Not to shabby and is a local guys the east coast.:wink::facepunch::+1::blush::ok_hand::sunglasses::v:


Good morning everyone! Hope yall are having a great day so far!


Exactly as it was for my folks - individually, with the other one continuing to smoke, not a chance of quitting. When they did it together, that did it and they finally quit for good. With each others’ support, they were able to “simply” quit, which is to say no patches, etc.

Keith Moon, drumming insanity! Thank you for that mention, @Oldjoints. Scrolling down it took me a minute to find that.

No shit. Okay, lots of vocalists don’t have great voices, but generally they can at least hit the notes. Fucking “singers” who’s singing sounds like geese farts on a muggy day. Fucking unbelievable.


What??? Bonham did not have timing issues… lol

There are a few songs where they purposly stay 1/16th of a beat off … on purpose…

Maiking it much more difficult than meets the eye…


One drummer i know for sure is underrated was the drummer for the police


I use to watch Buddy Rich every time he was on the Johnny Carson show late night. They were very entertaining together.


I love Bonham’s drumming but, yeah man, listen to (as one example) whole lotta love… his timing wasn’t very on and, he would drift. He was a master of fee-form drumming and put a lot of feeling into his drumming but, it wasnt quantized nor did he play to a click track… his drumming was raw and living. Most influential and biggest sound, most definitely. Technical? Hell’s yeah! Yet, not the most precise.


That is exactly how the bluegrass “drive” is created. The mandolin is purposely locked in slightly ahead of the beat.
It’s amazing when it works. Crap when it doesn’t. lol


Singers is a hard one lots of variables. :wink::facepunch::+1::ok_hand::sunglasses::v:


Okay. How about a little posting of some weed. Loving the conversation and thanks for the music links. I’m all about expanding my musical knowledge and drumming is so dang cool I wish I had explored that part of making music.

Anyway, here is my dilemma. Calling all my more experienced grower friends!
It rained this morning and while checking my outside plants. Looking at the GFOG, I think I found bud rot but not sure.

I found this bug as well. You can see who’s making webs. That scared me until I saw the spider. lol

Then just as I thought I was done taking pictures, I saw this blasted worm!
Somebody give me a battle plan!
@JohnnyPotseed @Oldjoints @BigMike55 @Hemp
Thanks everyone.


Good morning Mo hope u had a wonderful morning and hello sunshine what beautiful morning :high_brightness:


See my post above yours. lol

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BTI for those worms. I think that is probably what caused the browning as well.


Amazing how camoflaged they are. A lot of folks might have missed that. Thats a good example of what to look for. BTI is not a contact killer. Its some kind of bacteria that when the worm eats it it shuts down their digestive system and they literally starve.