MoBillys Forevermore Green Room Thread (Part 2)

Good morning @OhNo555 . :wink:


I am here brother, just dry the dog off from the beach :beach_umbrella:. We canā€™t keep him out of the ocean :ocean: and now he jumps in the hot tub too :joy::joy::joy:. Wife is not impressed and has threatened to leave us both home next time. :flushed:


If your not riding that thin line are you really having fun? Lmfao! Glad to hear you guys enjoyed it tho especially the pup


I used to take my kids to the river all the time @OhNo555 . The dogs (rotts) just loved the water. Things changed though. A bunch of young punks started hanging out at the hole. They began dang near living on the river. Drunken fights were breaking out all the time. Two guys got stabbed and that was it for us going down to that part of the river. We lost the best swimming hole around because of those asswipes.


It is a dam shame that the youth of today does not recognize a good thing so all can continue to enjoy it. Parents need to whip ass more often. I think that all us wise old owls :owl: were brought up to have much more respect and to treat good things with much more respect. :ok_hand::wink::partying_face::+1::facepunch::sunglasses::peace_symbol:


Good morning everyoneā€¦.enjoy your weekend


Sounds familiar to me as well.
Times have changed, everywhere it seems.
Sadly. :-1:

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Good morning everyone!! Hope you all have a great Saturday.

We had an awesome swim hole by me. Basically only the locals knew about. Someone posted it on ny swim hole site and itā€™s now over run. You have to go online and get a day permit to go there now. I want to strangle that person.


Morning @MoBilly . Donā€™t you hate when some fools decide to post up in a good spot. They donā€™t care that it was nice. Probably tear up vegetation for a nice smoky fireā€¦ someplace to throw trash at.
Willie the Beagle hated getting in the water, except for food.


I cleaned up all the broken glass at the swimming hole in town when I lived there. I had a bag and some needle nose pliers. This kid comes up to me and says you know they are just going to break more glass. I brandished my pliers, Iā€™ll use these to rip their heart out. I lived just a block away so when I heard them partying down at the hole I went down there and just stood around. When I heard the smash of broken glass I went fucking ballistic.


You would have to keep your head on a swivel if you tried that with the crowds that hang around the river around here. Iā€™m telling you, it ainā€™t like it was when we were kids. With a lot of these guys (and young women) life means not a damn thing. I hate to say that but itā€™s true.
Iā€™d say most of our young people are good and decent people. But there is an element that has become larger recently that are just plain uncivilized and dangerous.


Oh yah! Donā€™t get me wrong, I had already got to know them all and knew their names. They knew my name too! Some of them were cousins of friends of mine. I knew their parents and so on. Single rule was donā€™t skip school weā€™d go smoke some weed down by the river. Their parents were glad an irresponsible adult was there to make sure they donā€™t drink and drive. Some of those kids had dark secrets. Kept bottled up inside it did things to their minds.


Crud! Well I have to finish the story, right? The guy I would have voted most likely to kill me, actually really liked me. I have no idea why but people would tell me he was some kind of psycho knock your teeth out in the bar. Perhaps it was because I treated him like he wasnā€™t going to kill me. IF people tell me heā€™s not human I share this story:
He took a bong rip and told me his girlfriend was super angry. I told him yah it was because he got drunk and brought this girl over while we were playing contra and did gross shit. Donā€™t do that.
It was like I had drop kicked him to the chest and he crumbled. When he boasted about that crap to his friends he was like the playa, but not to me. I was friends with his aunt.


We had to milk for Evaā€™s aunt again this evening so I took the opportunity to get a few pictures of Big Johnā€™s sire. Heā€™s only 2 1/2 years old so heā€™s got a lot of filling out left. But his confirmation is just what I want Big John to grow into. After he muscles out, he will be something special for a fact.

Isnā€™t he a good looking SOB @BigMike55 ?


That hair flip is hysterical!!! That goat needs to be in Hollywood bro :rofl: :sweat_smile::joy::upside_down_face:


Yeah :rofl:. Eva mentioned the Fonzy hair


Thatā€™s the fonz reincarnate!!!





think you wanted to use the word ā€œwhipā€ it would be kinda weird your parent wiping your ass at 13 years old :rofl::rofl: glad you got to have fun with the pup. Hope everyone is having a great weekend!

Social media is the bane of local haunts! Someone trying to get a few likes then every yuppie has to get a selfie at the spot.:face_vomiting:


Good morning brother Mo, & all OG!