Mosquito Bits for Gnat Control question

This stuff works very well. And it doesn’t hurt the plants because I went way over dose. I had a complete infestation. It was really super bad. I got the one for small ponds, and it wasn’t working at first, so instead of putting 6 drops per gallon, I started giving 6 drops then a short squirt. That’s when I quickly won the war. Sense then I have acquired the bigger one for medium ponds and its a ton thicker(like a milk shake). Few drops of that seems to work. So either my first batch was old(friend gave me), or the different sizes are different thicknesses.

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I read somewhere to bury them a bit instead of top soil, looks that there’s where the larvae lives. In water rhey clogged my watering cans. Did that and along with sticky traps I finally won the war.

I am sure they came in my organic seed soil, so now I bake it in the oven and then add some soil from my garden to recover the microbiota … :sunglasses:


Mine (BTi) are shaped into 4cm donuts so I shave off a small quantity, sprinkle it on the soil and water in.
That along with yellow sticky paper and Diatomaceous earth keeps them in check, typically gone by flower. :+1:



Awesome info Kats and kittens… This is a constant issue. I’m looking up methods to helps folks with.

This is the first time I’ve read about the dunks being buried. That would make sence.

Thanks again!

I’ve used Mosquito Bits, only got mild improvement, have been better off watering less, and watering from the bottom. (no till living organic soil in fabric bags)

I guess how effective the Mosquito Bits are depends on shelf life and environment in which it is stored. It’s a living product, so a bit of a gamble. Not wasting my money on it anymore.


Good to know,

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I think the bits are ineffective. The dunks are a bit stronger and a better choice. Either sprinkled on the surface, are very short lived. Much better to bury in the top 1-2 inches of soil, the longevity is tenfold. But still, not real effective.
What works for me is thuricide…either Bonide or Monterey BT. They are a different type of BT than the dunks/bits. They are Bacillus Thuringiensis sub-species Kurstaki. The dunks are BT sub-species israelensis and they attack the fly better than the larvae. The kurstaki goes after caterpillars/worms and thus kills the larvae dead. It’s the same BT you want to spray on your outdoor plants to prevent budworms. Anyway, I use a teaspoon thuricide per gallon, in the feed water. Then water normally. Put up some yellow sticky’s and your problem is gone in less than 14 days.
I usually get two grows on my soil and then the gnats come with the new dirt. lol But after the first two weeks…I never see another gnat in that soil for 2 grows. I will never buy bits or dunks again since using this method, gnats are not a problem.

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Buy this:

It’s Gnatrol and it is the shit. I’ve used it in the middle of a fungus gnat infestation and it completely eradicates them after two or three applications. Now I just use it as a preventative, one application when I transplant into the flowering containers, and I haven’t had any issues with gnats in the last two grows.

Plus, it’s organic! OMRI listed. Seriously, fuck mosquito bits. Gnatrol is the shit. I’ll never grow without it again. And no, I do not work for Gnatrol haha!

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They both have the same composition, maybe Gnatrol is more concentrated but that’s all. I prefer Mosquito bits as it is just fire and forget … beer3|nullxnull


Mosquito bits:


Oh boy, what have I done :rofl::rofl::rofl: but I’m going for the bits, since I already have them. If I don’t see any battles being won, then I’ll just have to nuke them with the gnatrol​:boom::boom::boom::metal:


I’m going too start drying the soil 1/2 weeks. In case the little bastards are
in the new soil
Thanks for dropping some knowledge :pray:

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I’ve used the bits in conjunction with nematodes and it slowed the fungus gnats down for a while, but then they’d come back. The Gnatrol just wipes them out. Really good shit.


has anyone heard anything about heating the water when adding mosquito bits? maybe breaks it down better.

They’re supposed to be living organisms, so don’t think they would be happy being boiled icon_e_confused|nullxnull. I think this is the correct way to do it … ejem|nullxnull


Good to know, never would have suspected that the bits were living organisms. This is :bomb: what I really would like to do too the little bastards
Thanks George 61

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Do you guys that soak the bits, ph After? I haven’t found anyone saying if they do and I don’t want to add ph up or down and mess up the bits when the directions on it don’t acknowledge anything that has to do with Ph’ing.

I don’t think pH will affect them, anyway I just bury them a bit in top soil so gnats larvae eats them, that should work … beer3|nullxnull

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