Most balanced cost/efficacy hydro setup?

Nice, they look really straightforward to use, but for 30+ plants I’m gonna stick with the dwc buckets. If I has taller ceilings or was using led I could do flood and drain tables but now that I’ve thought on it there’s not really enough vertical space using hid. I’m sure something could be rigged up using a return pump with a bottom feed instead of using gravity to drain it but really I should master what I’ve been doing before changing it.


I can do 21 buckets max, each row can have 7 buckets. My light mover goes back and forth and I use 1K Hortilux…my buckets are right next to each other…you should able to over 21 buckets with 6 lights…you have to draw out a plan on paper, see how buckets will fit under 6 lights…That’s a lot of lights and a lot of power being used bromigo…I don’t do big grows anymore and light movers do work


I love how you have the fluorescent tubes giving light from the bottom!

One time a few years ago I had an apartment that had walk it closets well one in one closet I had like 7 2x4ft t5’s along all the walls vertically and my plants grew so fast. Mom hit the ceiling in two months…


Only 200w more than the 3400w(3×1000+400) I have now but with alot better coverage.

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I’m taking it easy this month though. A no grow electric bill will be nice for a change :sweat_smile:

Those 600s are dimmable too. So that’s like 2 weeks at half power for early veg.

I think my room is 110cm high plus sloping down at sides , I flood n drain and use hps : )image


Fill and drain with bell siphon, hydroton, and dry nutes, res underneath. Make sure to adjust for head height when choosing your pump and ALWAYS GET TWO and put them on 50/50 duty, so if one goes out, the other will continue to operate and you won’t have a catastrophic loss.

This is by far the prettiest and nicest setup I’ve seen! I like how you have the C02 going through the pvc. Right? This bad boy looks pretty efficient to me! Nice job brother.

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Thankyou : ) @JohnnySeed

No co2 in use , that’s just my positive intakes creating a waterfall of fresh air cascading over the top of the plants : )


Yes, that’s what I do too…there’s enough/plenty of co2 outside all you have to do is to vent in some fresh air from the outside…as I said keep it simple folks…try not to overthink.

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@PhilCuisine was looking at your plant pics yesterday … Sexy : )


I just chopped down my Matanuska Thunder Head strain…

Real deal Matanuska Thunder Fuck x Blockhead


@PhilCuisine , Very nice , did you like the results ? I seen the beautiful matanuska Thunder fuck pic but I don’t think I seen your matanuska Thunder head

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I just chopped it down over the wknd.



I have a semi-diy system that’s pretty cheap. Top feed expanded clay using active aqua 2 gal expansion bucket (6 sites $80). Then I use a tidy cats litter bucket to join them and drain from. Put in an overflow line at the top and you don’t need level switches.


I think you win bro! Simple and efficient. How often do you have to top off? I can see that bucket getting sucked dry fast when they are flowering. Nice job!

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There is a reservoir outside the tent. The yellow bucket has a pump in it to drain everything into the reservoir. It’s flood/drain, not dwc – so you need 2 timers. One to feed and then one to drain.

Because there are no level switches to turn off the feed, I put in an overflow line at the top that also goes back to the reservoir. Then you don’t have to worry about overfilling, because it will spill back into the reservoir passively.


That’s dope af and looks like something I could do. 3 strains 3 10 plant systems.

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Ahh ha! I was wondering! Lol. Doh.

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