Mrhamilton’s mischief, chaos, and random & miscellaneous stuff

PzamA5 came from Ace’s R&D section, you have to order from mandala to get access to it in the states. They have a lot of cool things in there.


Ah, okay, that makes sense. Sounds like an Ace thing. I only have one of their hybrids, a Guatemala x Kush Haze (whatever “Kush Haze” is haha). I read a couple grow reports of it, sounded interesting, but I haven’t planted any yet.

I love reading all of the descriptions of Ace’s gear on their website, though. They seem to actually give a shit about what they’re doing and they’re always working with cultivars that seem interesting to me.

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That’s Tikal that you have correct? It’s a really good strain with a super good chill/meditate high. They have lots better though, I’ve got some of their Panama, Zamadelica, and Purple Haze x Malawi started now, if I get a good Panama male I’ll probably make some more seeds if you’re interested.

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Yeah, that’s the Tikal, couldn’t remember the name offhand.

Re seeds: I dunno haha. I’m pretty set for the next fifty years or so. I’ll think about it. Thanks, though.

Yeah, for sure, they definitely have more interesting-sounding stuff than the Tikal. I can’t remember why I bought that pack (other than it sounded good and the reports were interesting), but yeah, if I was still in the seed procuring market, I’d probably get a few other things of theirs.

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ZamKC x Bbhp harvested @75 days, very complex terp profile, I won’t try to describe it until after drying and then brown bagging before testing. Really dry feeling resin.


Purple Haze x Malawi, I’m 95% sure it’s a girl. I’m hoping so because all I did was top her and look at her spread out. Going to be a massive plant, I up-potted her to a 5 to let her legs grow. 🫶🏼

Zamadelica fem up-potted to 7gal

I moved all my cuts of Space Monkey, Time Bandit, Black Triangle, and Spirit Hashplant into flower. 1 of each in 5 gallons and 2 gallons, with 1 of each finishing up in 1 gallon. All of these are top notch strains, but I’m ready to find something new 🫶emoji.tone2 :tone2:🫣Smiling face with sunglasses :sunglasses:

First color starting on my passion fruit :heart_eyes:


I love it when they do that, so cool-looking. I feel like a few of the Central/South American hybrids I’ve grown have spread out that way on their own, I wonder if it’s a trait that’s specific to plants from that region or something. Or maybe it’s just a “Sativa Thing” haha…

Anyway, looking good. I can’t wait to hear what you think of the Purple Haze x Malawi and the Zamadelica.

In seven months… haha.

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With the way she’s spreading out, she’s definitely going to be massive.

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I mainlined the last ph x m I grew and it got huge starting from smaller than this one, and it was in 2gal until after the stretch, so I’m anticipating a monster, although the Zamadelica will probably be even bigger :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:


On a happy note, 100% confirmed female :smiling_face_with_three_hearts: I’m going to hit a branch on her, the Zamadelica, and each of the Bodhi clones in the 2gals with some mixed pollen from my 2 Panama boys.

She’s 26” x 18” and starting to turn up towards the light, gonna be a yielder 🫶🏼


She’s a really cool-looking plant, kinda fun to see her in there with those more “traditional”-types. She’s definitely standing out haha.

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Some quick shots:
Purple Haze x Malawi just starting to put out a few pistils. I love this plants looks :heart_eyes: and wish these pictures could do her justice. The first picture is from June 25 under 11/13 and the rest are from today.

Zamadelica, I do have 2 rooted clones of this one. :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

The first are at 56 days, the others are today, day 18, 2 gal then 5 gal

Space Monkey

Time Bandit

Black Triangle

Spirit Hashplant


A couple better shots of the PH x M showing her spread and early stretching :heart_eyes:

And it looks like the pollination of my Zamaldelica by the Panama males was successful.

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A couple of updated pics,

Purple Haze x Malawi is just a beast, and she’s just really getting started. Had to give her some extra N(growers secret) as she seems to have exhausted the soil. She’s got a strawberry/fine wood smell so far. Pics don’t do her justice.

Zamaldelica smelling all kinds of sweet carrots


Growing passion fruit inside!!! I like the smell but some REALLY don’t. My daughter didn’t like when Eva brought some inside. Too strong for her.
We have some growing in our yard every year and she brought some flowers in to dry. My girl walked in and said “What’s that stink!!”.

They are a beautiful flower. Love your avatar BTW.


Yeah, I don’t know anyone else in central Washington growing passion fruit, let alone indoors :grin: I am super jealous that you have a climate that allows them to grow there, they are so beautiful and delicious. My last fruit of the season is in the fridge, I’ve been trying to hold off eating it since I only got 11 total and shared most with my kids, x-wife and her hubby. I’ve been trying to clone the plant for them, but kept ending up with stem rot. Finally threw some in the aero cloner and got them to root. Haven’t told them yet, but they’ll be thrilled.


People told us that they would not grow in our area. We put some out anyway and they spread. I mean they took over that part of the yard. I have to mow them down to keep them from spreading farther but we have so many growing!!! lol My mom’s home is ~2,000’ from our place and now she has some coming up… Possums, deer, raccoons… love the fruit. We use the leaves and flowers for tea. Made strong enough it becomes a pretty good relaxant.


That’s awesome. It’s definitely a prolific vine, but that’s pretty crazy it traveled that far. I just hacked mine back to a manageable size now that I’ve got some rooted cuttings.
Never crossed my mind to make tea from it but should beings I do buy passion fruit tea bags.


You will thank me. lol
BTW hope you don’t mind an old goat roper hanging around your thread bro.