My aquaponic adventures

:person_facepalming: Its official, I’m fuckin blind :joy::person_facepalming:

Really? I would have thought it was the the way around, more shit (literally, lol) in aquaponics… Interesting. I used to collect the TDS, EC and pH values manually and throw them in a database, I should still have those, I don’t have the foggiest what any values would have been by memory anymore… I’ll have a look around this aft, that’d be cool.

Had a genius pot-thought… My light has Veg and bloom lights, I’ve had them both on 🤦.

Diffuser removed, Veg only light on (until the other girls are in and all can handle it), we’re good to grow!



looks better in there, continued from other thread… I personally would leave the light where it is until it looks like u might need the headroom… pullen 4 ya to get em back on track… they look like they might take more than a few days tho u should notice improvement… fingers crossed…

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These are the first ones I’m going to try some lst with, so far this is not starting out how I wanted, hahaha

Thank man, appreciate it!!

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2 of the Afghani autos have popped and are a couple inches tall :grin:. I’ve worked on the other 3 seeds, 1 has fallen out out of the shell but the tap root isn’t very long, I’m not holding my breath… The other 2 have had their ridges trimmed back and bottoms trimmed a little, I’ve also changed the wicking paper towel so it’ll suck up a little more water.

Just in case the Afghani’s don’t come through, I’ve also dropped a few of @darkillusion’s drunken cherry fog dog into some water to fill out the tent :grin::metal:


I can’t sleep, so I went playing… My plumbing brain child is almost totally in place, but I hooked up part of it and the plants are now being watered from the top down :grin::metal:

The little black tubes are pointed to the rockwool, hopefully this will help them… Something still isn’t right, they aren’t growing anywhere near like they should.



That’s a great thing to try :slight_smile:

I agree with you, I was hoping they had improved for you. To me they look like my plants that have had a root pathogen problem. When it happens they look like they have a nutrient problem, but if I foliar spray nutrients they get better, and when I dig them up the root system is small and often looks like the tap root died partway down. I have read up on “damping off” and the various pathogens, and it fits my own problems. I don’t know much about root pathogen problems in aquaponics, and it could be some other probably, but my guess is something is wrong with your plant roots that is keeping them from getting the nutrients they need.

If they don’t improve from top watering and the light intensity change you made, I personally would just start over, unless the genetics are precious to you.


I think you’re right…

What’s bugging me so much is that the same thing is happening to all three plants, in different grow “beds”. So I had to have been really rough when planting them to get them all, lol. Not saying it isn’t possible, by any means, but damn lol.

I noticed last nught, the spikes parts of the leaves on 2 of the plants were sticking straight up. I know from previous screw ups, that’s typically environmental (super dry) or the light intensity is waaay too high. So, with the light being another possible issue, in my stoner brain, it seemed like a good idea at the time…

It arrives tomorrow.


Well, the clods at the end of my arms I call hands have done it again… I was moving the bags around and tried to bend oats #2 a little more and it broke :face_with_symbols_over_mouth::face_with_symbols_over_mouth::face_with_symbols_over_mouth::face_with_symbols_over_mouth:

Xtreme haze, lst done… Man, it’s skinny…

Oats x Rolling Thunder #1 is looking a little happier, some fatter leaves on it

Oats x Rolling Thunder #2, before the top came off. Ugh.

So, I cut the stalk down closer to the node below, hoping the plant will just see it as a topping. The part that broke off is now part of the inaugural run of my newly built cloner. 🤷 Fingers crossed.

The rest is coming along nicely though. My plumbing brain child is in place and working perfectly. I’ve ordered a little more hydroton to fill up the beds a bit, I figure, with the fabric pots sitting on top, there’s no chance for it to sit in stagnant water, and each plant will get water from the top down, constantly, so new ones will get water right away :grin::metal:



Getting that part in the cloner is actually really neat. If there’s a major issue with the roots it won’t matter because you’re making a whole new set of them. :smiley:

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It’s the first thing I’ve ever put in the cloner, so I’m hoping I built the thing right! Hahaha. I guess we’ll see soon! How long does it typically take? One thing that’s a little different with mine, it came with full net pots for the collars, so the stem definitely gets wet, but it isn’t the constant spray… Should I cut the bottom of the basket off so the bottom of the stem is open to the bucket?

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New light arrived!!



I’m a happy camper :grin::grin:

Oats x Rolling Thunder #2 seems to be recovering from losing the top half 🤦

Xtreme haze is starting to turn up, but not nearly as quickly as I know these plants can…

Oats x Rolling Thunder #1 is doing the best of all, and it started out as a runt, lol

Hopefully with this new light my plants will be happier, they should be growing like… Well, like weed! Lol


Well, the plants are definitely liking the new light! Even the leaves that were looking dead are up and oddly looking more green :grin::metal:

Oats x Rolling Thunder #2

Looking much better, even after losing its top

Xtreme haze

Also looking up, the bottom fan leaves on this are the ones that seem to be more green :metal:

Oats x Rolling Thunder #1

Looking really good as well.

So, these three are definitely looking up, but they’re very stunted, we’ll see how much they’ll grow :crossed_fingers::crossed_fingers:

And introducing @Kasper0909’s Afghani auto #1 & #2

So, between the light and the DO meter, and everything for the new plumbing, I’m gonna be tightening my budget belt, but the tent is looking up :grin:




The girls are looking happier every day :grin:

Oats x Rolling Thunder #1 is closest, xtreme haze next, Oats x Rolling Thunder #2 is third… The next bucket is Afghani auto #1, and beside it in the far grow bed that can be seen is Afghani auto #2.

I have 4 (possibly 5) drunken fogdog that will be ready to go in to their own pots soon… More than I expected, but I’ll double up and let them go until I see sex and remove what needs to go. I have more hydroton coming on Saturday, so I’ll be able to fill up the beds more, and fill up the bags fully, hopefully that will give some more growing room.

I’m thinking about putting the pump for the plants on a timer, instead of full water all the time, the water would be on for 1 minute and off for 4…tryimg to prevent root rot, but I may also just let this one go and see how the roots are at the end.


Its great to see you’re getting things greening up and finding a good groove :slight_smile:

I don’t know enough to advise you on the water - I’ve seen videos with functional hydro systems presented in both methods. I think you’re right, just got to figure out what works in your exact setup. :slight_smile:

I think the Drunken Fog Dog are fem seeds, unless you got a different set than me…

Thank you :blush::blush:. I’m putting that other light on Facebook Marketplace, I’m just trying to figure out how to word “it almost killed everything I’ve grown under it” into a good sales pitch, lol…

Beauty! I missed that in my records :grin:

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Lots of movement going on in the tent :grin:. If you look at the back right, you can just see Afghani popping through between the bag and the water tube :grin:.

Looking forward to getting a big bag of hydroton on Saturday, everything is getting repotted and the beds are getting filled up. I’m trying to decide if I should pop the water tube in the side of the bag and feed the plant like that, or keep it laying on top…

I’ve gotta figure out how to combine the pics into a smaller gif so I can post them moving, it’s so cool to watch :grin:


loving the growth and progress you’re making here! all your plants are looking on the up and up ^^

one thing i wanted to note was that if you have high levels of DO in your water you shouldn’t really have to worry about root rot. it’s when there’s a lack of oxygen that things start to decay, generally. happy healthy plants will show you above what is going on down below. as above, so below. when you see nice green growth like that on top you just know those roots are nice.

just food for thought… you may be at a point where you can observe and enjoy the fruits of your design. not sure you need to change anything at this point. looks like you’re on your way to stellar harvests in several months! woohoo.

only problem is this is an aquaponics thread and i don’t see no fish :rofl: :wink: :wink: any chance we could see them too? how’s the big fella doing in the big tank?

excellent work :metal: rock on!


Its so much better with this new light, eh?? I’m so happy with it.

True, but I have grown in these bags before, so I was worried about water sitting in the bottom and not being exchanged enough. Now that the grow bags are right out of the water, it should be ok (change of mind, I know, lol).

Until I can clear out a few bins so I can swap the garbage can and aquarium, I think I should be done :grin:. My Mrs and her kids are off for spring break next week, and then they’re gone for a week solid to Mexico, so I’ll have lots of time to get that all in place :grin::grin:

Hahaha fair enough :grin:. You can see the tank in the bottom left corner of the pic, with the autofeeder right above it, but next time I’m in there I’ll snap a pic of the lil goldfish that are rocking it :grin::+1:.

The big guy in the monster tank is getting to know me a bit… The oscars will rush up to the glass when I come in, as if to greet me like dogs, they’re really fun fish. The goldfish on the other hand has learned that me walking in means I’ll eventually push the button on the autofeeder, so he rips over to right under the feeder and waits, lol

A thought for anyone painting a wall where a fish tank will be… Don’t paint it yellow. A yellow wall and nice blue water creates this beaitufl shade of green, lol. I have a film for the background, I just haven’t figured out how to apply it yet, I almost need a setup like Tom Cruise had in mission impossible, just to reach over the tank, haha.


Well, another 50l of hydroton and my garden is full!! Plants are almost all in, 1 fog dog coming along but waiting in the seedling area still. I believe my current projects in the tent are done… Next, I swap out the garbage can and aquarium for a bigger garbage can and smaller bin. When that’s in place, the fish will be moved into the garbage can and the biomedia will go into the small bin. Ideally, I can find another bin as a settling area where I can pump out of as well, but that may be asking too much.

For @crunkyeah, fishy pics :grin::grin:

I’ve never figured out how to take pics of fish without getting crazy reflection, and there isn’t much room to change the angle. Oh well, they’re boppin around in there, happy as can be :blush:. But, I will be happier when they’re in rye can and I can see them all without obstruction.