My aquaponic adventures

Oh! For my own notes, I uped the light to 20/4… I want to run a couple weeks like this, then drop it back to 18/6 again for the rest of Veg :metal:.

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gotta say the white light is soo much more of an improvement on our side of things.

thanks for showing the fish! to see clearly through water you can always make one of those tubes let ya see underwater clearly. like an aquatic looking glass? but they have mirrors in them typically. i remember seeing them in cartoons quite a bit in the early 90’s but i haven’t ever learned what they’re called. Kevin’s Costner’s character in the motion film “Waterworld” uses one on his boat to see the ‘smoker spies’ if you’ve ever seen the film.

then placing your phone’s camera behind we could see too :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes:

edit after consulting google, it’s a periscope!!!


Absolutely true, sadly however I can’t physically hold my phone and a periscope overtop of the grow beds, my back won’t hold me… Getting old SUCKS, hahahha

Well, every plant was starting to show stress, so I backed the light off to 18/6 again and raised the light about an inch…

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So, I’m worried… I repotted all my plants and added a bunch more hydtron to each bag. Every plant seems happy, except oats x rolling thunder #2… She seems to be sucking life from her bottom leaves as new life grows up top.

Did I kill the roots, and the plant??

If so, can I cut the top off and get it into my cloner to keep it alive?

Would that even work?

This would be one of those dumb things I did to try and help, and ended up hurting 🤦.


Edit: a better pic

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I don’t know, I would try the cloner for sure. It does look like a damaged roots issue, in which case taking off most of the plant will also make it more possible for the roots to sustain what is left.

I’ve done too much myself too. It’s hard to leave things be.

Another thought, you’ve got things dialed in well now, so anything really bad could be replaced with a new plant from seed.

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I think I’m going to, before it’s too late and I lose the whole plant… :crossed_fingers::crossed_fingers::crossed_fingers:

Thank yiu, I appreciate that :grin:. I was thinking about doing another from seed, and even taking out the 2 dwarfed plants… I think I may do that today… Gah, I’m never going to get this grow off the ground! Lol

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Well, I’m not expecting much from the 2 stunted plants, or the one I replanted that isn’t happy… So, tonight I started 1 Acapulco gold from Barney’s Farm’s, 1 Blueberry Fem from Canuk Seeds and 2 Girl Scout Cookies Fem from Blimburn. Let’s see what pops first :slight_smile:

I also saw that my light was at 50%, I thought I had that at 25%… It’s back down now.

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I checked this morning, after about 14 hours and the Acapulco Gold had started to split… I’m rather surprised as I’ve had that seed for almost 10 years (not the surprise) and its been everywhere from months on a kitchen counter to the freezer, and back.

When I looked tonight, all 4 had cracked… The paper towel is nice and damp, but not soaked, I’ve had a problem with being dumb and drowning seeds, so I hit this paper towel with a spray bottle instead of dipping it and man, it’s looking like this’ll be the way I do it from now on. I gave them a HOT bath and let them soak for a couple hours as per @THCeed’s recommendation, then into the paper towel. I found that the back of my small LED light is warm, and doesn’t overheat with some bags sitting on it, so that’s my heating pad :metal:.



Oats x Rolling Thunder #2 (closest) may be coming back here after the damage… Afghani autos in the back are coming up nicely, one is quite a bit more aggressive than the other, but both are on the move! I have a 3 fogdog x drunken cherry in the middle that are all starting to settle in. The 2 stunted plants are going to be moved into the grow beds directly so I can free up some pots for the new seeds coming. Oats #2 is probably going to be heading in the same direction, depending on how many of these seeds grow out :grin::grin:


Checked the beans this morning and wow… Blueberry had an inch long tap root and is now in rockwool, and one of the GSG had shed her shell and was trying to pop out her leaves! Amazing growth in 15ish hours!

Acapulco gold and the other GSG have both popped, but their tap root is looking like a clam tongue and is just showing still. Hopefully those 2 pop out and get underway :grin::crossed_fingers:


An oldie, but it makes me smile :grin:


So, everything is slowly chugging along… The acapco gold seems to have stopped growing its root out, never a good sign. One of the GSG is doing the same. I have them both in rockwool under a lamp and a plastic dome, hopefully they’ll surprise me and pull through.

The second GSG and the blueberry are now almost 2" tall and looking good!

Unless I’m losing it (which couod absolutely the case), I believe the shorter of the 2 Afghani auto from @Kasper0909 is showing up male already!

Anhome want to check my math here?

Here’s the other, bigger one for comparison



Yes they absolutely show gender fast. Kinda hard to tell from pic but id guess male from here too. He looks to be going full on flower mode


FULL on flower, this only showed up in the last 24 hours or so too. The pic looked a lot better on my phone when I took the pic, lol, but I agree, the top isn’t clear in the pic, and that’s where it’s changing (oddly, only the top). It’s a trip, the other one isn’t showing anything but growth so far, no obvious signs either way.

So, I guess the question now is… So I collect the pollen, and if so, how? Lol

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I just had a thought… If the males are quick to show, and my big one still hasn’t shown anything, she gonna be a nice lil plant :grin:

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Ya the males really do show first not full flower but a few big balls early, the other is probably female. They show pretty quick too, sometimes you have to look close but I found pistils shortly after sacs. She may get some size to her.

Ok, one of these is going to be in better focus :grin:

And the other one, she isn’t showing anything yet and they’re the same age (she might actually be a couple days older)


Ya that’s a busy little top. How old again?

Wait a tick…


Bud site?