My aquaponic adventures

Give it two days probably and you should know for sure. Maybe even tomorrow🤣

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25 days +/-1

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Ya that’s pretty close, they go into flower at about 30 days. You don’t have much time to get them where you want them. But they did stretch like crazy.

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Sweet! I think I’ll cull him… I’d like to collect the pollen, but he isn’t the biggest boy, and I don’t have any way to protect her from him… Unless there’s something I’m not thinking of? Can I maybe put a 12" dome over him? Would that keep him, lol, under co trol more?

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I don’t know why, but lately the site has been losing the replyto… I’m curious if it’ll work this time, it shows it will… Hmm

Ya you could dome him but you run the risk of pollinating your females. Also if you reply right after the message it doesn’t show as a reply for some reason but it still sends the reply notification. Also that male is a little fast to the flowering, even if he is stunted. I’ll send you some more seeds if you want to get into them a little more. These being f2s they could throw out something farther down the line and also I took out a couple small males so I believe they are in there.


The main male was huge. I believe they were at about 3 weeks here.


But when he stretched.


Right now I only have the 1 other auto that would be awake for it… But you’re right, I don’t want to seed her right up either… Gah, I need another tent! Hahaha

Ahh, very good to know, thank you!!

Sure! That’s incredibly kind of you!! I’m kinda thinking I’ like to always have 2 autos running alongside my regs, get a little more steady refill on my stock, haha


3 weeks from seed? Hmm, I still have a little work to do on my systrm before everyone is going to be as happy as they can be apparently… Nice man! They stretched like crazy!

Have you finished out any yet?

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Not the f2s just started them. I’ll send a 50 pack your way then you can fine tune like crazy. :rofl:

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I love my earth boxes. They produce like crazy

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Shit, I didn’t see this message last night!! Omg, thanks man!!! So so much!!

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I’m definitely getting things more in line… Watching the grow gif, the male grew almost an inch from lights off yesterday at 6pm to lights on at midnight this morning :grin:. The female has done almost the same from 6pm to 930 this morning, and she’s flopping her top around, trying to stretch like crazy :grin::grin:.

The fog dogs are doing a ton of vertical stretch, but they’re getting a little bushy :grin::grin:.

The 3 stunted plants are even moving, but not enough, I’m going to pull them out when the GSG and blueberry are ready to go in, they’re about 2" tall and I’ve pulled the dome off as the leaves are looking like they have some heat stress. Unfortunately, the Acapulco Gold and the other GSG didn’t make it, I’m bummed about the Acapulco Gold.

So, that’s going to leave me with a couple empty pots, and I have a couple purple-family beans I’m dying to try :grin::grin::grin:. Looks like it’s bean soaking day! :grin:

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I’m pulling up a chair to watch this one. I’m running @Kasper0909 Afghani autos as well. Your ahead of me a bit so this should be fun to watch. Mine are only about 11 days old right now.


Right on man, welcome! :metal:

I was just in my tent having a look, I should have taken a pic, the female grew a TON overnight, I’m stoked the system is getting dialled in more… Pretty soon it’ll be a turnaround machine :grin::metal:


With the Acapulco gold and second GSG not working out, and the dwarfed plants in the tent, I just started 4 Purple Nurple beans from @Jimdoors :grin:. I am absolutely beyond excited to be growing these :grin::grin::grin:


My girl is getting pretty big here :grin:. Afghani auto #1

The male is looking pretty good too!

2 very distinct plant structures here in the drunken fog dogs…


been a minute. just have to say i love the progress your plants are making! it looks like the swap to white light and the minor tweaks you’ve made here and there is really paying off. starting to see the growth in photos i was expecting. the plants are obviously happy and healthy now, kudos.

it’s encouraging to see how healthy they are with just fish waste and beneficial microbes. should be a fun ride! should be real interesting in a month or so when those plants quickly fill up your entire tent :grin:

keep on keeping on!


Thanks man, I’m super stoked. I moved to the town I’m in now a couple years ago and am finding they do some really funky shit to the water here. First off, out of the tap pH of 7.8-8, which is insane. It’s heavily chlorinated, I’m finding 2-3 days of air before chlorine starts to drop. I left a bucket of straight tap water, with no air, in my tent so it wad getting lots of light. Normally there should be algae in that bucket in 24-48 hours, it went 9 straight days with nothing but clear water. It’s buffered crazy too, I’m adding a lot of pH down, but my aquaponics system wants to sit around 7.9, and I don’t want it there anymore. I’ve checked my other aquariums and they’re all down around 4!! So it CAN come down, it’s just not in my system. So, for my water changes I’m not taking water out of another tank instead of buckets of water sitting out, then I’ll just fill up my other aquariums from the tap and let them clear the water out for the plant system.

Not sure if that made sense… Brain dump after I just smoked one of my own, not store bought… Omg I can’t wait for this thing to be producing!!