My aquaponic adventures

So, with the thrip bullshit, one of the items I picked up was a microscope… Pretty sweet deal, 20 for a wifi 100-1000x jobbie.

So, with the blue stickies, yellow stickies and predatory mites coming in to play, I thought I’d take a few pics of the crystals while I was in the tent.

Of course, I’m baked and forgot to actually look at the leaves 🤦. I did cut out most of the damaged ones this morning though.

I need something to stabilize my hands, haha

Afghani auto



If you can make it out in the blurriness, I do believe I see cloudy crystals :grin:. Gettin close!


The more I look at these pics, the more amber trichomes I’m seeing… I think they’re ready to come down…?

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Looking good! I was just looking at USB microscopes. What one did you end up buying? Does the wifi make the picture choppy? I have a cheap wifi bore scope I use at work and it has a great image but a choppy video feed sometimes.


As far as amber trichomes, I’m certainly far from an expert but I was told to pay more attention to how many clear and milky trichomes you have. When you see little to no clear ones and mostly white or cloudy then it’s time to harvest. Trichromes can become bruised and turn amber from light touches from moving around the plants while feeding, trimming, admiring and so on. Don’t use sugar leaves as indicators either just the buds.


Very good info, thank you! I’ve always been told to harvest when 90% of the trichomes have tipped… But recently, watching YouTube vids, it’s been 5-10% of the trichomes being amber, with little to no clear ones.

The Afghani is supposed to be a 90 day’er, and that’ll be Tuesday, so at least I know it’s close that way, maybe :joy:

This is the microscope I got… I was wrong, it’s $29 right now, not $19

I’m used to drones, so my judgement on laggy video may be scewed, but I’m really impressed!

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I know I let my plants get a good amount of amber. The more amber you have the more stoned like a biblical wh@#e you get.


Hahahaha perrrrrrfect :grin:.

I’ve always read that the longer they go the more indica effects come out, but shit, they’re here to help with pain and sleep, so indicia away, right? Haha

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When I first started to grow everyone on the forum I was on at the time kept telling me to harvest when its all milky with amber just starting. When I did that I always had weak bud to smoke. So now I let it get amber all it wants up to 60%.


Shit, right on! Seeing as how 2 of these plants are from your beans, Ima gonna go with that suggestion :grin::metal:

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The trick is finding the amount that you, yourself likes.


I need a couple solid grows so I can get a repeatable product to be able to pin that one down. This one wasn’t bad, I only flooded twice 🤦🤦, but I didn’t have to move this time, so that’s a bonus, lol

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I’ve also heard harvesting early with clear trichs can lead to a heady/ racey anxious high. And more amber trichs can lead to heavier body high/ couch lock type high.

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Yeah, that’s what I’ve read too… The more anxious side would be more sativa-ish, and the body-stone and couch lock would be the indica side.


I’m really baked right now, so… 🤷😁


Random :rofl::rofl:

My body definitely needs raised beds, lol. Neem oil solution has been hand applied to every leaf… It gave me a chance to really dig into every plant. The autos are all already drying out. I took several leaves off each as they were already “over the rainbow bridge” so to speak. I’ll try to get back down there tomorrow and get better pics with the microscope :metal:

I need to stay off amazon while baked…

After a discussion with @Sailorboy

🤦 Weeee, haha


Dude the trim bin is so worth it. And the bubble bags for all the trim and larfy buds is a no brainer. I managed to make some decent bubble hash and press it into dabs. It was my first go at any of this and it was pretty easy. By no means was it a too quality product but was still damn good.

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Beauty, thanks for the backing @BeardedMech! I may need it if/when my Mrs finds out, hahaha

It’ll be my first time making Hubble hash. I saw my first video on it after @Sailorboy sent it to me yesterday, hahaha. It’s ridiculous, I’ve been smoking for 30+ years and I’m just getting into this :grin:


Got playing with the microscope this morning :grin:




And, even after breaking my back yesterday hand washing every leaf, the lil assholes are still here



:rofl::rofl: Darnit just ran outta likes!!

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