My aquaponic adventures

Your welcome man. Yeah arbico is a great wesbite for information and beneficals


I just wish they were in Canada, lol

Hahaha my high ass thought “awesome, they do aphids too, I know where to come if that ever happens!! Now, where’s the thrips” :joy::metal:

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I do love a good crystal show :metal:
(drunken cherry fog dog #2)


Trichomes are looking amazing. It is good to see them glisten under the light.


Looking delicious brother! I do believe @leetdood ordered from them recently and he’s in Canada. Maybe he has some input he can share

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That’s really good to know… I’m REALLY hoping I don’t need a giant bag at $80US, but that is really good to know :grin::crossed_fingers::crossed_fingers:

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For the beneficial insects, check your humidity. My first batch were a complete bust because my humidity was too low. The bad mites do fine at low humidity, but the beneficially can’t complete their life cycle if it’s too dry, so once the adults died they were gone.

Nematodes are a great idea for your setup I think - if you can interrupt the thrips life cycle that’ll work great.

I need to try a full shut down again. I learned they can do a hibernation kind of thing if there’s no food and the temps aren’t too low and then re-emerge weeks later. But if it’s hot they can’t manage it for long. When I shut down last time I turned the lights off and didn’t heat the room. It was mild temps here, so they didn’t die. I plan to shut down again and bake it at high summer. Then plant some baby plants to lure them out of hibernation to lay their eggs, but then rip the plants out and trash them after 3 days so the eggs don’t have time to hatch.

You can’t bake your fish, but you could do the bait plant thing. They seemed to prefer green beans over cannabis. They are super cheap and easy to grow. Might have to try that again myself now I’m thinking it through.


Man, these are tough little buggers, aren’t they? I’ve been growing in my own, without input from anyone, for 5/7 years I’ve been growing. I only just learned about these guys a couple weeks ago! I’ve have never had issues with me plants like this, so I’m on a learning curve I never expected with enemies I didn’t know existed.

I have plans for my next grow that will remove the fish from the tent completely. Doing that will allow me to do things like bake the tent.

I really like the idea of a bait plant, I’ll have to grow and sacrifice one.

Green beans you say??? Oooo my Mrs’ daughter just turned 17, and me being the new man around, I am of course the devil. However, she really likes green beans… Perhaps this’ll five me an olive branch in the firm of a bean :grin::metal:. Thank you for that random, entirely relevant and potentially household saving little tid bit of knowledge!!


Last night, after my thrip rabbit hole session, I ended up digging around for something and found my old bong. Well, that poor girl was not in her best shape. She had been put away wet and dirty and left to dry out on her own, simply unacceptable behaviour, and I know better. But, after a bath and scrub in 70% Iso, she was looking her old self again.

I’m currently out with my pups and I was just reunited with her cold glass around my lips, and lemme tell ya, she kicks harder than any joint I have ever smoked :grin:

I’m going back to bed :flushed::grin::ok_hand:


Finally got to the tent today before the lights went out, I’m digging this 2-14 schedule.

Mystery plant has lotsa buds, looking forward to how this progresses!

Blueberry is grr-rrr-rreeeen, but no real bud sites yet still 🤷

GSC looks a little scattered, but still pretty solid. Also, no real bud sites yet

DCFD #2 is building bud… Neither of these plants have looked great, but they smell good and the crystals are insane

DCFD #2 Crystals out on the fan leaves even :metal:

DCFD #1 is throwing the crystals out like they’re on fire too

Afghani auto is chewing out the nutes from her leaves. She should have around 10 days left

Purple Nurple is still stretching a bit. She seems to have a nute issue I need to look into

Gotta look into this nute issue

Oats x Rolling Thunder #1 🤷 she’s definitely back, and budding! I took another couple clipping to try and clone her for my next grow. The first ones didn’t take, but I’m still getting the cloner and timer perfected :crossed_fingers:

Oats x Rolling Thunder #1 is definitely the tallest!

I got some nutes in, gecko greens chelated iron and max bloom. I don’t remember the ratios of the max bloom right now, but I dropped a 1/2 tbsp in along with the same of iron.





pH? Maybe the pH swings while trying to get this buffer under control?

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I hope any of this helps my friend


Ahh beauty!!! All of those in one place, thank you!!


3 weeks into flower, gave a few plants their final defoliation

Mystery plant has me excited with all those bud sites

Blueberry can be seen right down to the base again… Lots of little cleanup in here

GSC looks like she was stripped bare, but it was actually all that much coming off her

Purple Nurple is looking a little funny… Hopefully she beefs up

The garden as of 3am :grin:


I got the filter in for the webcam… Not exactly what I was expecting, but I’m not really sure what I was expecting.

It’s an actual camera filter, not a webcam filter… But, a little Red Green style handy work with pipe cleaners (the duct tape was coming out next, and may still) and she’s in place!



With how much better this looks, these can apparently be stacked, I might have to get another one for when the lights are on 100%, but then take one off when they’re less bright. I’ll definitely need to figure out a better system than pipe cleaners to hold the filter on long term though.

After some reading last night, that filter is variable :grin:. Cranked it up today… I may have actually gone too far!


Also, I found out why stove burner tin things aren’t used a ton, lol. I moved the one at the bottom of DCFD#2 and found a bud! Man does it ever smell sweet!!

Nothing much has changed, mystery plant is packing on the bud weight

The critical purple crosses are looking good. Can you ever see where the leaf growth was in the germinating area under the monster tank vs in this water!

And, I’ve moved the little Blueberry clone from the cloner into a real grow area. She’ll be mom’d here as soon as I have the mom area setup :grin:



Got the filter a little more dialed in, but apparently I moved the camera when I put the filter back on 🤦