My aquaponic adventures

Well if it makes you feel better I am working on 2 new FogDog crosses.


Things are looking great in here @luxton. Looks like you have things dialed in at the moment. Great work on these! Im currently drying my two afghanis and haven’t smoked any yet. Excited to give it a try!

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Yes, yes it does :grin:

I’ve left some foliage around the bottom on her and my GSC, I’ve never done it successfully before but I’d like to try and reveg her and grt some clones. She still smells exactly like my DCFD #1, with that sweet candy smell, but unlike that plant it hasn’t deminished in her. Im really executed to try her bud!


Thank you, I appreciate that! Yeah, everything seems to be running happily at the moment, I’ve even seen a marked decrease in thrip damage (but I do still find the odd little bastard) :grin::metal:

If you left it a little long like I did, you won’t have any sleep issues while you have bud :joy:. I’m love it, I’ve already dropped another seed :grin::grin:


I chopped right around the 90 day mark so didn’t leave it too long. They smelled great while I was washing them. Stunk up the whole house from the basement.


Right on man, I’m definitely curious about your smoke report :metal:

I had to check, I left mine for 94 days… Those last 4 days were the hardest of the whole grow :joy:

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I got a couple pics of critical purple…

Pretty close on that 15" guess

Critical purple #4 and my own DCFD x S+SC single seed :grin:

Blueberry mom seems happy in her corner


I didn’t sleep last night, but I did get a good defoliation done :grin:







Not much of an update on zone 1 today, everyone is fattening up nicely

Blueberry smells like a Blueberry patch. She has zero smell of weed, it’s all a big blueberry!! Super happy I have a clone of her

Mystery plant is doing her thing

Purple Nurple


I’ve been wrong on the name of this, its Brooklyn Oats x Rolling Thunder, #1 is doing so much more than I had hoped for even, and all nice dense buds too :metal:

Critical Purple cross has jumped up another few inches :grin:

I think she’s almost done her stretch :grin::ok_hand:

The next critical purple is coming along

And then there’s this lanky one!! She grew about as much as critical purple did

A little bud from DCFD#2… I got a couple big joints out of this lil bud :grin:


If anyone else has ever gone looking for this calculator…

This is the calculator for how many plants you can grow based on your gram/day prescription.


I realized I didn’t get a group shot yesterday :grin:


Always appreciate a flowered out room. Digging the flowers Brotha man


Thanks man :metal:. It was touch and go for a few months there, lol, but everything seems to be coming together :grin:


I love your whole journal… Thanks for sharing your journey with us


Thanks man :metal::grin:

I do it 50% for anyone, like you, who wants to check out some aquaponics stuff, and 50% as a memory backup so I can figure out what I did/didn’t do “last time” :grin::joy::metal:


That’s right brother… Keep up the great work

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Well, from my very careful pollenation with S+SC, so far I have 3 seeds from the DCFD (one growing) that I was painting, and 1 from the Afghani auto that was right next to it :joy::grin::metal:


So, I was checking my excel sheet and saw that yesterday was day 56, so week 8 has officially begun!

Brooklyn Oats x Rolling Thunder #1 has some amber showing up, but that last pic is a lower bud and obviously isn’t there yet, cool!

GSC needs another week or two as well

Purple Nurple also needs a couple weeks

Blueberry is probably the closest. I like the indica side though, so she’s getting another week

And mystery plant… She definitely has amber going on, but a little more time yet

Looks like another week to maybe 3 for some of those bottom buds. That means, it’s time to figure out the new lineup!! :grin::grin::grin:


What a difference a day makes!

Brooklyn Oats x Rolling Thunder #1


Purple Nurple

Blueberry… I think I’m going to chop her tonight before lights on :grin:

And, Mystery Plant… She’s pretty close too.

I wasn’t paying attention and didn’t realize the day count, it kinda snuck up on me.

So, the next run has hit water!

in this run I will have
Chocolate Nightmare
Blue Moon Rocks
Triforce x PPP
(Forbidden x 24k Gold) x Kosher Kush (I think, if I’m reading the writing correctly :grin:
Northern Lights #2
(CBB x SG) x BD - (Coastal Blueberry x BOG Sour Grape) x Blueberry Diesel)

If I told anyone I’d throw seeds in this run, please let me know, I have forgotten!


I finally got some time, and my ass in gear, and sat down to get my seeds sorted and put away properly.

I initially picked up this

I had 1 pack of seeds put away in it and was stoked to add more. Hard stop, cold sweat. I opened the lid of the container and saw that the individual coin piece I had the seeds in, opened up! There were 2 of 10 seeds IN the coin piece, 8 were floating around in the container. Apparently the coin piece opens a little too easily.

I hope I save someone some time and hassle with this

So, arriving later today, version 2… This time, the individual pieces have a screw top, lol

I have my seed tracker app almost done (V1 anyway). Now to add a whole new part to track each seeds’ growth… Need a place to add notes, multiple pics…

Oh man🤦, hello can of worms, just let me find my opener :joy:. Oh well, it’ll be cool to use when it’s done :grin: