My aquaponic adventures

it’s almost comical how quickly these plants grow…this is just 1 day, the timestamp is in the top left corner :smiley:


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Bucking up the rest must have felt pretty satisfying.

Oh man, @GreenGardenerGuy, totally :grin:. This was the first grow in this setup, and I got more off of it, and had better quality buds, than I have before. I’m so stoked for this round coming up :grin::metal:

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Man I was trying so hard with the camera, but it just didn’t get it… The buds in the jar have that cartoony effect with the trichs, in the right light, there are twinkles, haha :grin::metal:

Did another dumb thing today… I’m worried the little light I have for the autos isn’t giving them everything they need, so… I upgraded, lol

It arrives Sunday.


Lol! Your poor budget :wink:
It’s so hard not to keep buying all the ultimate awesome equipment!

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It would be good if I actually stuck to the budget I set :joy:🤦🤦🤦🤦

Right tho?? You gave me so many wicked beans, I wanna give them the best chance possible :grin::metal:

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Lol! I have zero standards and zero expectations of my seeds getting babied. I decline responsibility for you buying fun toys. :wink::rofl:

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Well that’s no fun! :ok_hand:

Oh! I did get a pic of the zam and gdp I started… Not bad considering they were in paper towel yesterday :grin:


Those look great!

I think I’ve been less fun lately. My mum had to fully stop working, her memory isn’t good enough anymore. She’s sad, I’m sad about her memory, and I’m worn out from taking care of her during some bad fibromyalgia flares and other stuff the last couple months. I’m sure I’ll get my sense of humor back soon. :wink:


Oh shit, @RainToday I’m so sorry!! When you said your mom had decided to stop working early, I thought it was an early retirement scene. Fibro flares can he wicked bad too, damn! A friend of mine haa fibromyalgia and gets some pretty bad flares… Not physically able to get out of bed, kind of flares. If you’re having to care for your mom with that kind of flare… Man, my heart goes out to you!

That’s so much to take on, no wonder you’re worn out!! And helping with your sisters new baby too, my God, do you sleep???

I was just trying to bug ya, it’s always easier to pin a purchase on someone else, hahahahaha :grin:. “I haaaad to, I got these wiiiicked beans and l they neeeeed the extra light!”, hahahaha :wink::grin::joy:

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I enjoy the teasing :slight_smile: I’m just too tired to jibe back properly :wink:

Thanks for the sympathy, it means a lot. :green_heart:
I do sleep, thank goodness, or I wouldn’t survive. Mom didn’t quite get stuck in bed the whole day, but it was a near thing a couple times.

I do have a really good life, I’m just exhausted and my bandwidth is low to begin with so I’m overdone right now. I watched a fun YouTube video recently on all the ways to cook eggs. I think I’m the fried egg right now, the kind where you spoon the oil over the top too so it gets extra crispy. I love to eat those, but feeling like one? Not so much :wink:


I’m glad she is surviving at least…

Fried eggs had my brain stuck on this, hahaha

Lol!! Yes, it’s that exactly, my favorite eggs! And then you spoon up some of the grease onto the egg, or if you’re lazy like me you flip them over to crisp the top. And massage the yolk a bit. I like the yellow part to be uniformly thick and gooey. If left alone it cooks from the outside in, and some is overdone before the middle is gooey. But if after flipping you gently poke the yolk every so often to mix up the yolk inside it will cook evenly into a marvelous goo :heart_eyes::rofl:

I do remember those brain on drugs commercials :laughing: and I don’t even need drugs for it, my brain does that after a couple days sleep deprivation :rofl:

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Ooooo I’ve enevr tried spooning the butter on top of the eggs, I’ve always just flipped em over… For sunny side up, I put a pot lid over top of the egg with a tiny bit of water.

I’ve never tried playing with the yoke like that tho, I honestly don’t think my hands are steady enough, I’d crack the damn thing, hahaha.

My favourite is eggs Benny, with lots of extra hollandaise :grin::grin::grin:. But, yeah, the yoke HAS to be runny :grin::grin::grin:

Dammit, now I’m hungry :joy:

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Butter on eggs is the only way to go. Takes the creamy yolk up a notch.


So, I was at day 9 of “7-10” for adding more predatory bugs to eat the damn thrips, and I needed to move my 2 grapefruit from the auto area, doh, and plant the new GDPs and Zamadelicas…

To the pictures…

The back row now has 2 grapefruit, 2 (Forbidden x 24k Gold) x kosher kush (I’ve gotta figure out a shortened version of that, lol), a NL #2, a chocolate nightmare, and something else with a white label…

The front row has changed, from the left, Triforce x PPP, 2 haze xtreme, and a purple Lamborghini.

In the auto zone

A couple Zamadelicas, a couple GDP, my Blueberry mom and

My critical purple cross :grin:. Pretty happy with her rigth now, she has a wicked Sour fruit and diesel(?)… I dunno, I’m horrible at identifying smells, it’s great fun on a wine tour :joy:

So, that’s all done, used bags are all cleaned up and ready to go again down the road. Time to sit back with a joint, some morphine and a rye and coke, and try to forget about my back, hahaha :grin::metal:


Tomorrow, if I can move, I’m going to bring the 1 gallon pots forward into the front bed and move the 3 gallon to the back, I figure trimming will be a lot easier that way.

I also added 2 tbsp of blood meal, 2 tbsp of bone meal, and 2 tsp of mono potassium phosphate (water soluble 0-52-34) to wake everyone up :grin:. I hope it isn’t too much for the GDPs and Zamadelicas.


As I’m often hobbling around the hallways of my house with a backpack of paraphernalia, I wanted a way to bring a sample of all of my weed with me… Travel jars!! :grin::grin::grin:


Oh shit! @crunkyeah, after repotting and potting everything today, I took a little break and laid down. While half in-half out of the tent, laying on the ground, I cleaned up the glass of the aquarium a bit and got a couple pics of the goldfish for ya :grin::grin:

They’re getting to a pretty decent size and all came over to check me out when I was taking pics, it was pretty cool :grin::ok_hand: