My aquaponic adventures

Grow 2 is officially underway!

On the back, left to right:
(Forbidden x 24k Gold) x Koaster Kush #2
(Forbidden x 24k Gold) x Koaster Kush #1
NL#2 #1
Chocolate Nightmare F1

Then, in the front, left to right:
Purple Lamborghini #2 (#1 waterlogged and died)
Haze Xtreme #1
Haze Xtreme #2
Triforce x PPP (Paonia Purple Paralyzer)

I also have a blue moon rocks seed trying to crack… I’ve tried a few of these now and have had bad luck with waterlogging them. It seems I get germinating down just as I won’t need to germinate for another 3 months, lol.

Auto zone also has 2 Grapefruit x Grapefruit, an Afghani auto, a Critical Purple cross that is looking great and my blueberry mom.

The thrips are back, and they’re pissed. So, every pot has 1 new blue sticky and 1 new yellow sticky, and I’ve also hung a couple more stickies. Also, more of those predator mites arrive tomorrow, so every pot will be getting another million or so lil buggers… death to thrips!!


Sounds awesome! :slight_smile:
The grapefruit x grapefruit is a photoperiod though.

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Oh shit, really?? Lol, that side of the tent just got thicker then, hahaha… Thanks for letting me know @RainToday! I’ll update my list :grin:


Quick update today…

I need to transplant everything in zone 1 (photo area) into 1 gallon bags so I can fit a few more plants in there, so today was a plumbing update to add 4 more water outlets. The new bags arrive tomorrow, so Monday or Tuesday I’ll work on replanting everything into the smaller bags so I can move the grapefruit out of the auto zone (tm? lol) and into the photo zone. Which means, I have room for a couple more autos… I’m thinking a Red Velvet Cake and a Zamaldelica :smiley:

@RainToday , is the GDP you sent my way photo as well? And while I’m asking, I apparently didn’t before… you also sent me some Woodrose Remedy crosses, I’m guessing those are also photo? (Thank you, again!!! :slight_smile: )

The critical purple cross is really the only plant I have worth watching right now, the rest are all pretty small still… so, here’s my critical purple cross at day 68 from paper towel with a LONG way to go :smiley:


The GDP is an auto I got from Carty, and anything crossed with the not-Woodrose will be photoperiod, but could be a “fast” photoperiod which would mature in a relatively short time but still need photoperiod lighting.

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Most excellent, thank you! I had a closer look with my exceptionally blind eyes and saw a couple had clearly written “AUTO” on em 🤦

I’ve read about fast photo periods and have another strain, which escaping my mind as is who sent it to me 🤦, that is a fast flowering one… Right on!! :grin::metal:

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Quick smoke report…

Blueberry smokes very well, surprisingly smooth considering branches still don’t snap 🤷. It was a decent stone, still fairly clear headed. But the best thing was that it calmed my back/leg nerves down a bit :metal:

Vaping it I was a little disappointed in the lack of blueberry taste, but it was crazy smooth, top marks for that.

Purple Nurple… Haven’t smoked it yet, but vaping it definitely works! Zero ability to concentrate on one thing for more than 30 seconds (this post has taken me 15 minutes so far)… Sit back, turn everyrhing off, and watch a movie in the dark, kinda weed :grin:.

Very little difference my back and legs from vaping.


Twigs are snapping, it must be time to jar up the rewards :grin::metal:

I have purple nurple jarred up and looking great, I just need to clean out my other jars and I’ll be ready to jar up the rest :grin::grin:


hey brother nice to see you enjoying the fruits of your labor! really pleased to hear that the blueberry calms the nerves down a bit to let you relax some. any little win has to be valued in my book.

any chance we could get a simple diagram of your new aquaponic layout? i’ve always been curious to see some kind rough blueprint or something.

as always i wouldn’t mind seeing your fishes :wink:


Thanks man, it’s definitely satisfying to enjoy my own work, and not purchased :grin:. It’s working out to about 1 jar per shelf, which I will not complain about :grin::metal:

Once I get it all designed, you bet :grin:


So, if anyone is fighting thrips…

First, my sympathies are with you

Second, yellow stickies seem to work better than blue, at least with the ones I have


But only the ones in the pots, the ones higher up are bare 🤷


Most insects are attracted to the color yellow

Thrips will get caught up in the traps in the pots. If you have fungus gnats they will get caught up in the traps that are hung up.


I get thrips every time I get a new clone from a certain shop. I use this and it’s worked for me every time. Two spray downs one week apart. It’s cheap too lol


Right on! I’ll check it out, I have to be careful with anything getting back to the fish… Thank you, I’m always open to ideas to get rid of these lil buggers!


Nice! I didn’t realize you could combine insecticidal soap and Spinosad - I have concentrates of each, might have to mix up something double nasty next time :grin:


It works really well, and it makes the plants look really clean like you washed them lol. I can’t find a clear answer on the fish though

When I check on Google I see things like this, and I don’t think I would risk my fish without a definitive answer


Just had a look, apparently it’s not available in Canada… It looks like the only insecticide availed up here is a brand called Safers, but they don’t use spinosad. The stuff doesn’t appear to be available up here at all, unless it’s in a product called doktor doom, and that says to not use it around water or fish 🤷🤷🤦🤦. It’s like these lil bastards are protected or something, lol

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Everything has been holding 60% pretty steadily, so tonight I bucked up everything remaining :grin:

Pretty decent sized top bud from the Oats x Rolling Thunder :grin:

And it’s always good to have some inspection help :grin:


So, grow 2 is coming along nicely…

I haven’t gone through them enough to remember what plant is what, so that’s gonna have to wait, lol

Definitely still have thrips (:face_with_symbols_over_mouth::face_with_symbols_over_mouth::face_with_symbols_over_mouth::face_with_symbols_over_mouth:), but I’m working on em.

Also have a few more autos started to cover for the grapefruit I was mistaken about, lol. In here there are 2 zamadelica and 2 GDP.

Instead of running the new autos under my big tank where I normally do, I’m instead keeping them in the big tent, in a tray with some water from the system and lil domes. So far they seem pretty happy, and it’s a hell of a lot easier on my back to get to them on top of the fish garbage can than under the big tank, lol.