My aquaponic adventures

So, the new light is installed, but I’m not entirely impressed…

Numbers with old light:

At the garden bed

2/3 up

Tent power (386.6 watts)

With new light:

Garden bed:

2/3 up

Tent power (482.0)

The new lil ones are coming along

And the critical purple cross is gaining weight :grin::grin:

I also got some Vivosun tent supports installed, hopefully that’ll smooth out my daily gifs!

The garden is coming along. Other than thrips, everyone looks pretty happy :grin::metal:


On closer inspection…

The first light

That’s 197.6 * 10 lux

The second light

That’s 126.5 * 100 lux

I missed the extra 0 initially, I much happier now :grin::grin:


Quick check on the new light… Everything seems be really liking it, except for 1 leaf that was about 2" away, that has a burnt strip right across it 🤦. Happily the tallest buds fit right between the sets of lights and the rest seem to be low enough to not be burning :grin::metal:. One of the babies has a slightly burnt edge, I’m not sure if it’s nutes or the light though.


Personal moment, but it’s my thread :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes::grin:

1 year ago today the best friend I have ever had in 45 years on this rock, passed away. He had unknown growths ravaging his body, and said nothing about any of it until his very last days.

I miss you buddy, every day. I don’t know how I’ve made it a year without you.

My Hetfield




Grow 2 is coming along nicely, other than thrips and that I think I killed the DCFD x S+SC with neem oil… She was really getting thrips attention, so I carefully coated her leaves, but my timing was off and she had more time under the light.

However, I have 2 others ((Forbidden x 24k Gold) x Koaster Kush on the left and NL2 on the right) that are taking right off. I’m going to let them go a few more days before I top them. I’m hoping to root the tops and flip it to flower to see what I’m dealing with.



Ok, auto zone update…

Blueberry mom got a thrip trim, but she’s still doing good

Zamadelica #1

GDP # 1 & 2, both coming along

Zamadelica #2

Critical purple is super snowy, I just hope her buds tighten up :crossed_fingers:

And into grow 2

(Forbidden x 24k Gold) x Koaster Kush #1… This is one of the two I’d like to top and sex

Purple Lamborghini

My 2 xtreme haze

NL#2 this is the other I’d like to top and sex

Chocolate Nightmare

Grapefruit #1 &. 2

DFCD x S+SC, pretty sure I killed her with the neem oil, but there is some nice new growth on top :crossed_fingers:

(Forbidden x 24k Gold) x Koaster Kush

Triforce x PPP

All in all, they need more N. I added a bunch yesterday in the bone meal and blood meal, and I’ve increased the amount food the fish get and added a 4th feeding. For my own records, they now getting 3 tumbles, 4 times a day.


Quick update…

Everyone is looking good, the nitrogen seems to be propped back up, I’ll keep a close eye on that, this is my biggest plant count, so some low nute issues are to be expected.

I took a clipping from the 2 largest plants, (Forbidden x 24k Gold) x Koaster Kush and NL#2. The first one has a big hollow stem, kinda trippy.


I can’t believe how green everything has become :grin:

I swapped the two grapefruits around with the DCFDxS+SC, she (:crossed_fingers:) still hasn’t totally recovered from the neem oil swabbing I have her, but she sure is growing some funky looking leaves at the moment.

I had to supercrop the smaller (Fx24kg)xKK, she was starting to palm tree on me a bit, hopefully this will help her spread out a little more :crossed_fingers:. Other than that, some light defoliation, and everything is good to go.

I DID add that 1/2ish cup of worm castings in a 1 gallon fabric pot, into my biomedia garbage can. I have also added a couple cups of the 1 cup/5 gallon tea being aerated… There’s about 2 gallons of that left. I added 2tsp bloom booster (10-30-20) and 2 tsp of chelated iron straight to the system, and another 1tsp bloom booster to the 2 gallons of tea.

I have the 1 gallon fabric pot suspended over the 2 gallon of tea to let it dry out before I clean it. Once the pot and contents are dry, I’ll add that tea to the system.


Trim day in the tent… It’ll be fun watching everything fill out again!

Unfortunately, the clone I took from (Fx24kg)xKK didn’t make it in the cloner. I don’t know what I’m doing wrong in there, I’m not having a ton of luck with the cloner.

In the auto side

GDPs are bootin along

Zamadelicas are coming along… The water wasn’t directly on the for a bit, so they don’t has as much leaf growth but I believe they have more roots, it’ll be interesting to see how they finish vs the GDPs that have smaller roots.

Critical purple cross isn’t changing much these days, she’s coming close to finishing. Still not a ton of amber, but it’ll be here soon I’m sure.

Thanks for stopping by :grin:


Why not Vivosun or Mars Hydro or Spider Farmer or AC Infinity for your lights?!?!?

Maybe I’m late to the game saying this…buuttt

The lights in your first grow look awfully “blurple”
And this seametal brand looks iffy

Have you tried a PAR meter for your lights?
There are apps available.

edit…my apologies, I jumped the gun on a comment before I finished reading. GREAT LOOKING NEW SET UP!!!

Haha, you saw the progression in my lights, eh? :grin:

Why not the bigger brands… Mainly, budget. The ones I have now in the main tent go on a huge sale every now and then a little over a hundred, from almost $200.

So far, I’m pretty happy with these lights… But, as with everything, eventually they’ll be upgraded to something bigger and better down the road :grin:

A friend of my Mrs came over for tea this evening and mentioned, when she got up to the front door, she could REALLY smell weed… Seeing as how I vent my tent out fairly close to the door, I guess my filter has finally calls it quits.

Budget be dammed, I don’t want to have to buy a new $100 filter every other grow, that’s too much garbage…

8 lbs of activated carbon is $100 too, which looks like it should cover another 4-6 refills :metal::metal:


I got that exact product a while back too :smiley: though mine is a vent out back of the house. It worked perfectly. The sock is looking pretty gross now though, I think I will vacuum it off when I clean this weekend :smiley:


If I remember correctly, it comes with 2 socks, no?

I’ve been thinking, a lil laundry action every couple weeks should help :crossed_fingers:

Have you refilled the carbon yet?? I’m curious what that process is like, lol

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Haven’t refilled, but it looks easy. Don’t put that sock in the dryer, nor wash on hot, bet the fibers will shrink up. Mine is on the ceiling, above my main plant shelf. Total pain in the rear to get at. Bad planning, but I’m not cutting a second hole in the wall of the house just to move it. Wasn’t quite so bad before I had to add two mufflers and the filter. :woman_facepalming::laughing:

Btw, those rubber connector ring things AC Infinity sells to quiet the system are very effective.

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No definitely no dryer, eh? Honestly, clothes don’t fit me nicely as it is so other than socks and boxers, I hang all my clothes up to dry, lol (yes, I do my own laundry… I try to do what I can to help my Mrs wherever I can, so I also do all the household towels, and our sheets :blush:)

That does sound like a PITA to get to. Luckily mine is just hung in my tent, so it’s not too bad. As for holes in the house, I’d probably be shot for suggesting, good on ya for getting 1 through! :grin::ok_hand:

Good to know about the connectors too. My tent is off in a corner of the house on its own, so noise shouldn’t be TOO bad, but if it is I’ll pick some up :metal:

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It helps that this place was a horrid fixer when we bought it. It’s a 1979 mobile home. We love it, 1900sq feet is awesome. But anyone who buys it will probably just bulldoze and put in a new one.
I am on the title with mom, paid half the house cost, and so if I want a hole in the wall I get one, just have to make it look nice. :wink: I used a dryer vent cover, with those little flaps that only open when the fan blows. It looks just like an oddly placed dryer vent. :laughing:

I made a hole above the back door too, and installed a cat door. High security that way :wink: and fun for the cats.


A mobile home at 1900 sqft?? Right on! :grin::metal:. I’m guessing there’s a couple additions, that’d be sweet… I’d love to put an addition onto my place just as a grow area :grin::heart:

'79 is a very good year too, just sayin :wink:

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Lol! Yeah, I’m a 1979 model also :wink:

No post-market additions. :laughing: It’s a “triple wide”, though the third section is really only in the middle, it basically adds my room and grow room.